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Thursday, October 28, 2021


I had a moment today. A pic of me and my ex-bf flashed on my Facebook memories. The sun was shining, we were smiling, the love between us was so strong that two years later I can still see it in the photo.

And that's the hardest part of this journey. Love should be a cure-all. It should be enough to overcome all obstacles. It should be sufficient to buy my happily ever after.

But it wasn't.

People don't change just because of love. No matter how many times Hollywood and NY Times book best seller told you so, people are inherently selfish and they won't change unless they decided they would.

I am trying to relearn this. I am trying to relearn that sometimes things end because it needs to die. That it wasn't "not enough love" but just wasn't the right currency. That people have different comfort zone and ours just didn't met.

This is not about him. This is about me relearning and accepting love. I thought if I have someone who are equally receptive it will be enough. That they will move the world for my love. It is not. Love is only a mean to happiness, not happiness itself.

And you know what? It's ok. We're only human after all. I am not lesser because of it, nor is he weaker for not meeting me where I need him to be. Sometimes, well most of the times, love is not enough. And it's 100% ok.

Friday, October 22, 2021


Sometimes days are good. Sometimes days are bad.

Sometimes days are hungry days. You craved the connection. You wanted a connection. You desired the intimacy. You cried inside a bit, then cussed a lot because how dare that person conditioned you to have so much love to give only to leave you dry. It doesn't matter. You are hungry still.

Sometimes days are scary days. You questioned yourself because DUMB@SS FAILED YET AGAIN. You keep yourself in check, question every little message you send to your friends because you are worried it sounded too demanding. It is not their responsibility to calm the fear in you. You need to stop being so clingy ffs.

Sometimes days are happy days. You play games and go adventuring. You ate food with your friends and laugh together. They caressed your hair. They laughed at your silly joke and gossip about the latest Stardew games. They give you the longest hug and you can see it in their eyes that they will never, ever abandon you.

And you keep telling yourself this too will pass. You let the fear speak loudly while you listen close. You hold yourself tight because that is the ultimate self-care. You are not weak for feeling hurt. You are not broken for breaking it off. You are not soft for working on this continuously.

There is no deadline in grief. It's not a sign of weakness. It's not a sign of how much better the other person was or how much you lose in the aftermath. Sometimes it takes months, years, for us to be honest to ourselves. Yet only then the healing can truly begin.

And you know what helps? Living. Staying alive. One board game at a time. One food adventure at a time. One smile after another. Chuckles and teases and a million laughter. One day you can trust again. One day you can believe in happily ever after again. Until then, just keep going. 

Even in the aftermath, the world is beautiful. The colors never fade. The beautiful hearts remain precious. The love you receive and give to the world remain abundant. Acceptance is a journey. A new beginning is a journey. Keep moving, love. You got this.

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

The Friends

I was presented with a major news yesterday and I freaked out.

For some reason, I am more upset about having to go through this alone than about the actual news instead.

I found myself being very angry at my ex-bf and everyone else that should have stayed by me but they didn't. You promised me I won't be alone anymore. You promised me.

But I was not alone. Friends whom I confided about the news immediately comforted me. They gave me long hugs, other called and texted. Everyone is invested in my well being.

And I am glad I can see that. I am glad I can see their bright light and not dwell in the "what if" and the gaping hole inside me. 

When you are in pain, it's too easy to give in to that cold misery inside you. It's too easy to focus on your grief and averse your eyes from the people who love you. Because their love wouldn't compare to your pain. They won't understand.

Maybe. But they still love us. The world didn't lose its color because you can only see black and white. It is us who have to accept that affection and see their brightness again.

I may not have someone who is truly mine, someone that I can cry to without restraints, someone who will hug and caress me until I fell asleep. But I have people who care. People who choose to treat me as someone important. I am not alone.

Babes, thank you for being my friend.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021


I have been posting a lot of sad things on my FB/blog lately, and I want you all to know I will be alright.

It has been a journey on understanding myself. I grieved for love lost the first few months, and now I am grieving for the lost companionship.

I thought I grieved so hard because I love him more than my previous marriage. It may be so, but it's also because I have less resources right now than I was 5 years ago. 

My commute was longer then. Entertainments and bars and restaurants were open. Downtown LA embraced me, occupied my thoughts. I was busy finding who I am. 

This time I have spare time to grieve. I know what I am and consequently be picky about it. I am no longer distracted by the city. I have also been living in love for almost 2 years. Missing his presence was hard.

It is normal. I have to break a habit and it's always hard. I am trying to develop new habit with people who love me. New me who has different support system. It is hard but I will be ok.

Because I don't miss kowtowing. I don't miss sitting with tears on my face over political debate. I don't miss knowing I am but a temporary being.

I have a habit and I am breaking it.

Monday, October 11, 2021

Hard Reset

I wanted to write about everything. About how sad it is to see homeless people. About how Dave Chapelle's madness shows how shallow and hypocritical we are. About overcoming inflation and holiday gloom. There are so many things out there but here I am, stuck in my little orb.

I saw the world goes by before my eyes: Indonesia, America, Afghanistan, and many others. I laughed and I flirted and receive countless hugs from my friends. Yet mentally I am in my own little prison of the mind, unable to break free. I am there but I am not there.

A friend told me that it's ok. We all went through that phase where we had to start from zero again. Where everything we have is wiped out of existence and we have to build everything again from scratch.

I didn't know I was there. I don't want to admit I am there, or even its existence.

It hurts. I didn't want to admit how much it hurts because I don't want any man to have control over me. I don't want to love someone so deeply that it crippled me when they are gone. I am a strong independent woman that needs nobody. But it hurts. 

It hurts because I have been chasing this dream since forever. A house, a baby (pet), a man that loves me and only me. I just need to find the right person who is interested in me, I thought. I did and it failed. I just need to find the right person who will accept my love, I thought. I did and it failed. Failure after failure and I realized that love alone is not enough to keep a man. What is, then?

It's this realization that pierced me like a spear and grounded me. I tried the best I can and it's still not enough. I have moved the sun and the moon and rearranged the stars, and it's still not enough. I know the spiel of "He's not the right person for you", and I will counter that with "Does the right person even exist?"

I do not want love anymore. I do not want to hope and wish. I do not want to see my heart get shattered again. But what is left for me when my dream is shattered? When I can't see it ever happening or coming true? What is a person without the thing that fueled them?

A hard reset. That's what I need. I have been running my life under the program to make myself enough to be loved, to be kept against all odds. The smiles at dance parties, the infectious laughter at random meetups, all the crazy brazen adventures. I want to be so complete and so ready that my partner has to be crazy to even think of discarding me. I love myself because I want someone to love me too.

I need to reset all that and started a different program. Instead of running a program to find and be compatible with Husband 2.0, I need to run a program to maintain Ary.exe. The end goal is no longer a romantic happily ever after, but to live in peace with myself. I need to be complete and running properly for me.

It's hard because I feed on physical affection. I need hugs, embraces, kisses. I need hands gently stroking my hair. I need to feel someone's skin on mine. I need to see the light in somebody's eyes when they see me. My self-imposed celibacy has sent my stress level to the roof and I feel like I am slipping away. 

But I am good. I have to believe myself I am good without having to repeat that so many times and sounded like a conceited jerk. I have to believe I have more in me, and I can find another dream. I have to accept that my dream is not feasible, and it's ok.

It's ok to start anew. It's ok to find new hope, new dream, new ambition. It's ok to be by myself. 

I feel I have climbed so far up only to tumble down and found myself at the feet of the mountain. I feel I am insignificant and a failure. I feel I have lost everything I have fought for so ferociously and I just want to sit here at the feet of the mountain and weep.

I know this is temporary. Even right now, I can see hair-thin cracks on my self-imposed crystal orb. I know I will be fed up and start climbing again. I know I will be ok. Even with all my tears and my anguish, even as I cried for the death of my dream, I know when I am ready I will face the world again.

Hard reset is coming. And it's ok. It's ok to reset your dream. It's ok to be alone. I will be ok. I know that.

Friday, October 8, 2021

Kata dan Rantai

"Duh cuma dikatain aja udah down. Cemen banget sih."

Ada alasannya kenapa saya mengajukan restraining order/perintah putus kontak kepada mantan suami saya. Ya sudah sih ya, kita pisah sudah 5 tahun lebih. Mau sampai kapan terus saya hidup dalam bayang-bayang verbal harassment?

Lihat saya punya pacar baru, pacar saya terus dicari kesalahannya. Ya gendutlah. Ya yang kerja di fast food lah. Ya yang punya criminal record lah. Ya yang pincang lah. Ini diucapkan secara ejekan dengan harapan saya menjadi merasa malu dengan pasangan-pasangan saya. 

Saat saya membantah/meladeni, lalu saya yang dihina. Bahwa istri baru/si mbak lebih oke. Bahwa dia bisa menyetir dan saya nggak. Bahwa saya sampah murah yang nggak perawan saat menikah dan cuma dipakai laki-laki. Ya jadi kenapa elu masih kontak gue sih?

Banyak yang bilang saya harus diam. Cuekin aja. Anggap aja angin lalu atau gonggongan anjing. Omongan itu cuma sekedar omongan, dan saya terluka karena saya pasti masih peduli sama dia. Jadi ya salah saya karena saya terluka.

Ya nggak. 

Kalau tiap hari ada orang yang mencetus "Mbak/Mas bajunya terbalik!" kita jadi otomatis mengecek bukan? Walau orang ini kelihatan seperti tidak waras. Walau dia mengatakannya setiap hari, setiap kita lewat. Lama kelamaan kita jadi terkondisikan untuk mengecek baju sebelum kita keluar, agar bisa yakin saat dia meneriaki kita lagi.

Omongan itu membawa bobot, ada beratnya. Saat dikatakan/dicetuskan oleh seseorang yang kita hargai dan/atau kita hormati, orang tua atau atasan atau bahkan pasangan, semakin kita menghargai orang tersebut semakin dalam dampaknya.

Semakin lama dan semakin intens kata-kata ini diucapkan, semakin dalam dampaknya dan semakin sulit lepasnya. Bahkan dikala saya tahu saya disayang teman-teman saya, dikala saya tahu saya baik-baik saja, disaat ada trigger saya bisa hilang kendali lagi.

Tidak ada yang mau sama saya.
Saya tidak berguna.
Saya cuma dipakai lelaki.
Tidak ada yang benar tulus mencintai saya.
Tidak akan ada yang mau menikahi saya.
Saya tidak dan tidak akan pernah diinginkan.

Padahal saya tahu banyak yang mau, tapi saya yang sangat menjaga hati. Padahal saya tahu tuduhan ini tak berdasar, dan ini hanyalah modus operandi dia yang menyerang dengan hal-hal yang paling saya takuti. Padahal saya tahu saya bisa dengan mudah menyerang dia balik. Padahal saya tahu dia selalu stress nggak jelas seperti ini, dan bukan hanya saya korbannya.

Tapi saya tetap hilang kendali saat saya terpicu/ter-trigger. Saya tetap menjalani hari kerja seperti zombie. Saya tetap merasa amat sangat butuh dipeluk dan ditenangkan. Saya tetap jadi melihat kembali semua hubungan saya dan mempertanyakan apakah kata-kata itu benar. Apakah saya sebegitu buruknya sehingga saya terus gagal dalam hubungan. Apakah saya memang benar tidak berharga dan tidak diinginkan.

Cerita saya mungkin ekstrim, tapi ada banyak bentuk verbal abuse atau verbal harassment. "Elu bego banget sih." "Elu kayak sapi gedenya." "Elu begini aja ga becus." Disaat kata-kata yang meruntuhkan ini diucapkan terus dan terus, ibarat rumah yang terus terkikis arus sungai, lama-lama kepercayaan diri kita pun keropos.

Bukan kita yang harus menguatkan diri agar bisa 'budeg' dan tebal kuping, melainkan semua orang yang harus mengerti bahwa kata-kata pun bisa menyakitkan. Sudah saatnya kemanusiaan kita level-up dengan memikirkan apa dan bagaimana perasaan orang saat disakiti, 'walau hanya' secara verbal. Sudah saatnya kita belajar untuk jadi kuat dan mengontrol diri kita sendiri agar tidak menyakiti orang lain, atau bahkan bersuara saat orang lain tersakiti.

Karena argument "Sudah bagus cuma dimaki, bukan dipukulin" ini tidak masuk akal. Bila seseorang sanggup menyakiti orang lain walau tanpa kekerasan fisik, berarti ia tidak lagi melihat orang itu sebagai sesuatu yang setara dan kekerasan fisik mungkin tinggal tunggu waktu. Dan harusnya ya, harusnya, sebagai manusia yang berakhlak dan berbudi kita harusnya merasa tak nyaman melihat penderitaan orang lain, bukan malah berpuas diri.

Udahan ya kita bermulut jahat sama orang lain. Udahan juga kita lupa bahwa kita bernilai dan verbal abuse atau harassment itu tindakan yang merepresentasikan jeleknya si pelaku dan bukannya jeleknya diri kita. 'Jujur' atau 'ini kan fakta' atau 'hanya ingin membantu' itu bukan alasan untuk menjadi kejam. Never was and never will.

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