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Monday, March 16, 2020


Imagine if there is 10 people in your dept, and each has to send 6 annoying work-related emails to anyone in that dept within 5 min. The chances are, everyone will end up receiving at least one email. 

The one that will receive the most emails is most likely the one who is most susceptible for it, like the team leader, and therefore most likely went into an outburst. 

The ones who will receive the least email are most likely the ones who people will go an extra length to avoid. Death-Stare Dan, for instance, or Gossiping Gina.

This is an analogy of how virus spread. Change email to virus. Susceptible person is someone with risk (age, immunity, underlying condition). 6 is a mock up virus spreading rate.

With a rate of 6 emails per 10 people each most likely receive at least one email, even the non-desirable people. With rate 3 per 10, it's plausible at least one didn't get any. With rate 8 to 10, it's Oprah mode on: "You get one, You get one, You all get one!!!"

If Covid19 live up to its influencing street cred we could easily already exposed to it, especially those who live in an area that has a lot of international coming and going. If there's case in a place like Ohio, we in LA don't really stand a chance on not ever exposed to it.

This is important because a lot of us seeing the virus as an entity that you can detect. That an area that has a Covid19 case is stained and should be avoided. A Covid19 patient will have Mushu coming and yelling: "Dishonor! Dishonor on your whole family! Dishonor on you, dishonor on your cow"

The truth is, we don't know who has it or not. We could already have it. 

This is why we should stop panicking about what to do to avoid getting Covid19, and instead focusing what to do to avoid spreading Covid19. Washing hands and good hygiene should be our current "You can't sit with us" standard. As well as identifying profiteer and ensure community punishment.

We can live in abundance of caution, but we can't live in fear. Fear combined with 2 weeks of isolation will most likely wreak havoc in your mind, and the insanity will seep through the world through the things you posted or reposted.

Congratulations. You are not spreading Covid19 anymore but you are spreading fear, which btw has a much, much, much higher infection rate and more fatalistic results. 

Understand what we are dealing with. Remove the fog of fear and see through the situation with clear objective eyes. Because in the end, the one thing that will hurt us most is not some aspiring virus. It's fear.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Ideal Gentleman

Can we talk about how girly and dependent female characters in Agatha Christie's stories are? Somewhat stubborn yet feminine and helpless girls with silent brooding strong men who will protect and saved the girls in the most dire need. And the men will somehow be a lord or rich lower nobility.

I used to love these books so much yet reading them again right now is almost akin to watching my wedding video (if I have any): me screaming at the screen "No you fool! Runnnn! You deserve better! That's not love, that's gaslighting with a bit of Stockholm syndrome!!" 

The world is changing. I am changing. The 14 year old me wanted that drama and excitement. The 26 year old me who got stuck in a patriarchy world wanted that escape. The 37 year old me in a place where I can be myself wants none of that BS.

I can't hate it, though. It's downright icky when I re-read it, but it reflects what happened in that era. In that era, the only chance a woman can become 'saved', so to speak, is through their husbands. Marriage is the holy battle ground, the only place in which a woman can become victorious and rise above other. You need those peckers to get you further in life.

This is the same when people are angry about vintage ads that sell appliances for women. "She wants a vacuum cleaner", "Give her the new dish detergent". The current us can't fathom the lure of it, yet in an era where your house is your battle ground every sparkly shiny new appliance is the sign of wealth and success where you can tower over the other measly housewives.

We've come so far away from it and thankfully so. Yet just because we don't understand it, there is no need to hate it. We can't just chuck history out of our sight with the notion of "What a bunch of backward fools" or keep reiterating how bad it was 'in the old days'. It may not be so bad for them. Just because their battle grounds are different than ours, doesn't mean they do not fight for their existence.

Somewhere out there, there is a bunch of people who still believe Agatha Christie old type of romance is ideal. Get an older, richer man that will save you and your life will be well. The brooding men who speaks little (read: don't communicate) but love passionately. That's recipe for disaster right there, and people need to realize that.

It's not so much of erasing what has been written. It's writing down new ideals on a clean slant. Women can help ourselves. Both parties should learn to communicate. You can't expect your life is better once you found a sugar daddy. Men can clean house and cook too, goddammit!

Internet has made it easy for messages to come through. Even in a more traditional places like Indonesia gender equality and these new ideals are starting to gain traction. The key is to show them acceptance instead of cutting it with "OMG what are you guys thinking over there eww this aint right". They need to be empowered and not alienated. Remember that they too are fighting on their own battle ground. 

Do I still want a dark, brooding, strong man? Seeing that's pretty much the description of my last 3 real relationship (ex-hubs not included), yes I do. I want them to communicate, though. Agatha Christie may have set the stone for me for the types of men I like but I am keeping the current embellishment, if you don't mind.

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