I promise myself I will never walk in that dark place again
I promise that my heart will be locked
Safe and secure where it should be
I promise myself I will never love again
But I foolishly did
Head over heel
Heart over logic
Betting against the odd
And I lost.
The sun is shining but my mind is dark
The warmth of spring touch it not
It feels like an eternal storm inside
Wailing and crushing and full of misery
You will be fine, they say
This will pass, they say
You deserve better, they say
You are the storm, they say
Maybe I am, but not tonight
Tonight is drowning slowly like Artax
Heart plucked away like Prometheus
Crashing spectacularly like Icarus
The madness of Juliet upon dead Romeo
Tonight is unconsolable grief
The stricken fear for the future
Unkind voices that put me in place
Tiredness which envelopes
Give me tonight. Just this night.
Morning will come, supposedly
Rain will stop, supposedly
Snow will melt, supposedly
I will smile again, supposedly
But at the moment the night is neverending
No escape from the dark and the cold
Hands grasping for help in empty space
Lost. Lost. Lost.
Tonight. Just for tonight.
Let me lay with our dead commitment
Let me weep on the corpse of our future
Let me wail for the lost of your love
Let me cry for the could have beens
Things will be better but not tonight
Tonight is the dark place I have to walked again
The cold. The pain. The lonesomeness.
Tonight. Let me be me tonight.
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