Thursday, June 10, 2021


With more openings and more social dance events available I would like to remind everyone to be nice and civil. 

Event/venues are in a tight spot. They cannot please everyone. 

Having it fully vaccinated will mean limited availability since not everyone is vaccinated. Some people, even the vaxxed, can view this as over-reaching measures and may choose to not attend.

Having it open will mean limited availability since not everyone is accepting less than strict vaxxed-only requirement. This is for both health reasons and because they feel it is their right to feel safe.

My recommendation is: don't go if you feel uncomfortable, go if you do. Don't bash the organizers or make an extra long post judging them. They are already losing money on attendance at these events. 

If you think they deserve it, then it speaks volumes on you as a person and not the organizers. They are just trying to make a living. They are what makes our life exciting and bearable. I can go through my desk work because I can daydream about what to wear and who I can dance with during an event. 

And with these events, there's the band. The DJs. The dance teachers and dance troupes. The cleaner. The decorator. The sound guys (and girls). There's a whole ecosystem that is built around these events. They too deserve to make a living.

It doesn't cost you anything to be kind, or considerate.

If you are pro-vaxxed and say "But it's public safety!" please remember that people lied. Just because they say they are vaxxed, doesn't mean they are. Vaccine card? I won't be surprised if they haven't already sold the blank cards. 

Your insistence is not giving you anything other than the satisfaction of finding your flock, those who think they are better because they are vaxxed. You had a better chance to just stay at home or make your own event with curated guests.

If you are anti-vaxxed and say "I deserve to be included" you don't deserve jacksh*t. You have the right to do what you believe, but people have the right to balk at you based on that. People have the right to be comfortable, to feel safe.

If you choose to not be vaxxed, it's your choice. But lay low the entitlement. You too are welcome to have your own party with a curated guest list that you believe are not 'sheep'.

And no, stop thinking about white old GOP trumpsters vs hardcore liberal with colorful hair and BLM shirt. People across social status, race, political preference can choose to be or not to be vaccinated. 

So be kind. Be considerate. Remember that the people who organized these, people who are involved in these events, they are people. Human beings like you and me. 

Be goddamn kind. We have had rough 14 months. Don't make it worse.

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