Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Throwing Shades

It's amusing to see people who speak up about immigration sang a different song when the rules are about them.

I have to show proof of vaccination when I apply for US immigration visa, and have to show proof of flu vaccination when I apply for green card.

If you are so adamant about "doing it by the rule", don't be upset when some business/venue/event is vaccination-only. They are just trying to keep their patron safe and comfortable, just like US government. All you need to do to get in 'legally' is to comply with the rule.

If you are gung ho with strict vaccination code, who are you to impose such limitation and rob people from experiences? You don't have any objection people who are not vetted, both for background and health, to enter the premise/US soil. Why change now?

The difference is immigration crisis happens at the border. So far away from our comfy home and self-driving cars. We are most vocal when it doesn't affect us directly, when we are safe from the consequences of our opinions.

There. I called you all out. Happy reopening day, LA.

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