Saturday, December 22, 2018

Dear BFF

Dear Bff,
Thank you for not complaining about my drunk texts. Let's think of this way, it means you are always on my mind. Yes, I know you rather not. My mind is a treacherous place.

Thank you for rolling your eyes every time I come to you with my dating sagas. Which is A LOT. You made me laugh when I come with tears, making the heartache seems lighter.

Yet you knew. You always do. You knew that each time I open myself for someone it's like bracing myself to walk on shards of glass. It is never easy for me and your joke is your way to protect me.

Thank you for your sarcasm and intolerable bluntness whenever I feel insecure or doubting myself. It's your way to push me forward while still shield me from bad things in life.

I've been handed a shit sandwich in life, yet despite my brokenness I am glad it brings me to you. To say I am indebted to you is a gross understatement.

Thank you for being my big brother. Thank you for being my knight in shining armor. Thank you for truly love and accept me for who I am. Thank you for never leaving me.

Dear BFF, I love you across the galaxy. I love you through countless reincarnation. I love you in the worst time in my life, and in the best. I love you for who you are and more.

Dear BFF, you are amazing inside out. Thank you, love. Thank you.

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