Saturday, December 22, 2018

Beauty of Sex

Sex is a dangerous act. It brings human to their lowest level, succumbing to their animal instinct. Society rules and norms are forgotten in that moment of fury, where lust and pleasure override the logical mindset.

Is it a surprise that we shunned sex so much? It's pretty much the Devil's handiwork. Desire is bad because you will get lost in it. With sex, which gives both physical and emotional satisfaction, it's downright a black hole. Pun intended.

So we curb woman's bodies. We restrict parts that might arose desire. Women are also pushed to be the last form of defense against such tempestuous act. Lock the gate, so to speak. Don't let intruder in.

Anatomically men don't have control on their erection. Yet that's where this logic stop. Human has no control on our desire and/or bodily function, but we have control on our chosen action. No gate can keep the intruders if they choose to intrude.

Then we put fear of God and/or higher power to it. We limit sex to be done in an unbreakable union (i.e. marriage) not only to ensure we wont lose ourselves over it, but also to ensure the safety and well being of the outcome of the act: our offsprings.

It all makes sense. Yet in our flurry of trying to avoid the pitfalls we forget how beautiful sex is. We talk about its devilish virtue, or use it to empower ourselves in an attempt to feel we are in control of ourselves. We reduce sex to either something bad or nothing at all.

Sex is beautiful. It's an act of love, a mutual surrender between you and your partner where you both give your all and bare all. It takes a good amount of trust in each other, and a desire to please your partner. It takes love.

It's not "You shouldn't have sex before marriage", it's "You should marry the person you want to have sex with for the rest of yor life". You want to be with somebody you can give your love to and love you back equally.

Don't fear sex or judge others because of it. It is an enjoyable act. It's ok to feel good about it. One can wait for the right person to come along, or one can actively look for that person. Or just simply enjoying it without any expectations. 

As dastardly and as voracious as I am, for me the best part about sex is to fall asleep in my partner's arm after. To have him gently stroke my skin and caress my hair. To feel like I am safe and wanted. To feel like I belong. Here's to me (and you) finally finding this mythical partner one of these days.

Happy holidays.

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