Friday, November 8, 2013

Save Those Hotties err Kitties!!!

Taken from Kittendales Calendar, The 2014 edition is the seventh annual calendar featuring "kitties and hotties" to raise money for the Hull Seaside Animal Rescue (HSAR) in Massachusetts.
Read more about it here.

Amen to this!!! God knows how we need to save the hotties, err the kitties!!
Yes, as I told you before women enjoy this kind of thing too ;)

Feeling degraded boys? Bummed out because you are not got enough like that sexy piece of male specimen (the one in denim, not the one in furs)? Got that nasty feeling in your gut that you were being objectified and vilified? Or have the surge of pride instead? We women deal with those emotions every time we are being portrayed or portraying ourselves for the pleasure of men, and yes it doesn't always feels nice. Welcome to the club!!

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