Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the name of God

At darkest moments like this, where sea of emotion swept me away and misery engulf me, towering like contemptous wall of darkness around me, at moments like this I can feel Him next to me.

I can feel Him stroking my hair lovingly; lift my chin up and kiss my forehead gently. I can feel Him put His arms around my shoulders protectively, look me in the eye and as He wipe my tears He smile and say: "You are with me, my child. Fear not, distress not, as I love you. I always do." And with that, I found peace.

In the name of God I shall prevail; I shall not fail His test, his task. In the name of God I will make it; will break free from this hatred emotion and bathe in His love instead. In the name of God I shall walk, for I am His child, as all things dead or alive in this universe. I love you, God.