Sunday, September 25, 2011

Thank You Love

Thank you for being here for me.
For wiping my tears,
For sharing my burden,
For loving my family and things that matter most for me.

Thank you for keep on reminding me i'm not that awful,
Thank you for making sure i didn't get that awful,
Thank you for seeing me as worthy,
Thank you for not thinking me as a liability.

Thank you for seeing me and accepting me for who i am,
Cherished my virtue and (trying to) understand my flaws,
And thank you for always commiting in that decision all the way.

Accomplishment is not always in title or medal or wealth,
Accomplishment is when you succeed making someone feel human.
Like you did for me.

Thank you love,
For making me feel precious,
For making me feel happy,
For making me taste the glory of love.
I love you.