Friday, November 26, 2010

(The Art of) Getting Lost


I really do.

Intoxicated by my previous success on (re)discovering Kutuh Beach and a trip to Tabanan, I was eager for more adventures and Ubud looks like a perfect spot. Loving the lush greeneries, the art, and the ancient touch of Bali. I picture it as a pilgrimage, back to the Bali before time (and commercialism). But my so-called bright idea was denied flat by my Mum :p.

Many Balinese would think my mum's refusal to allow me on a motorcycle trip to Ubud (by myself) is a complete nonsense. After all, most Balinese did this trip regularly, some even go waaaaay further during Holy Days and some do it in daily basis. But then again, I can understand her reason as well. Though it may sound sissy and spoiled, but my mum's refusal is based on the fact I hardly know Bali. And hardly able to drive motorcycle properly. And inability to tell left from right too. And that I simply manage to got lost on almost every solo trip.

I personally will not allowed my friends or relatives to wander around in Jakarta by themselves, with all those busses and pickpockets and everything. Nevertheless, I can go perfectly well by myself there :). But when in Bali... Let's put it this way: last night I was busy building up an argument for my mum while driving to Meatball seller (tukang bakso), when suddenly it dawned me that I just took a wrong turn and end up at nearly the same spot where I start. Got lost just by going to Tukang bakso. Talking about street smart.

But no, it shall not stop me! (Drama mode on)...
All I need to do is take it easy, going a little further and further in separate occasion/trip. Not only to assure my Mum that I am reliable and understand the road and will definitely reach my destination, but also to assure my self that I can do all the above :). So be patient with me, I'm very much looking forward to write about my next adventures!

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