Tuesday, November 15, 2022

A Piece of Me

The world is on fire and I am dancing under the chandeliers.

It's upsetting, I know. I am upset at myself, too. Where did that woman go? The fierce woman who is vocal about injustice, who prays day in and night for the safety of those who are hurt? Did the lioness turn into a docile sheep? Was happiness such a lethal drug that leaves me incapacitated?

Maybe I am just fed up with the world. The fear mongering. The scare tactics. The clickbaits and attention seeking. Maybe I am angry at all the anger because they're just that: fiery anger but nothing more. How things should change but we rather not be the one that changes it.

Maybe the world has worn me out so much that I can't help being frustrated and depressed about it. Layer after layer of burdens. Chain after chain of limitations. I could only cry my heart out as nothing I do could make a dent in the world.

But here, here is another world. The soft, loving gaze from my fiancé. The laughter and teases while the group are playing board games. The hugs and jokes as our friends and us plan our next get-together. The joy I see from my cooking.

In my world, in this little garden of mine, things are grown with care and are loved. I can give enough love and attention to see the flowers bloom, the fruits hanging low, and the crops ready to be harvested.

I still pray. I still weep. I still wish for the good in the world, a future where hurt and harm can be reduced to a minimum. It starts from my home, from my garden, from my world.

Here, world. Take these healthy, happy things. May they nourish you. May they heal you. May you feel glorious because they indeed are. I am but a human and I am limited, but I try my best to leave love and care to those I met. Here world, have a piece of me.

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