Friday, October 7, 2022


To the person who told me my office sucked: no, it doesn't. 

Could I get a better job elsewhere? I probably could. Get rolling in dollah, be the best possible career-lady I can, short of looking back with a sneer and a degrading "So long, sucker!"

Instead, I stayed. It wasn't easy, but I opted for loyalty instead of opportunity. I can safely say that the bet paid off. I am glad I stayed until I really had to go.

I would be called complacent. I would be called lazy or even scared of the future. I would be called unambitious. Maybe they are right. Maybe I am just afraid of change, or I have too little self-confidence to make it work.

Or maybe, just maybe, I choose to be loyal.

In this fast-paced world, there's always something better out there. Work, dating, food, everything is ever-changing. It feels if you are not chasing for the next big thing, you're gonna bite the dust. The FOMO is huge and is real.

But what if you found your comfort? As long as you don't bother others, what's so bad about gently cradling what you have in your hand for, say, forever and a day?

We have to come to terms that not everything needs to be fixed. That it's ok to love or be loyal to something that's less than perfect. That loyalty is a gift we presented to others, and a reflection of our good nature. No one else other than ourselves can dictate to whom our loyalty should lie.

It's ok to be loyal. It's ok to choose something less than stellar. It's ok to choose Faramir over Aragorn. It's ok to give yourself the kindness and grace to choose. It's ok to trust yourself.

And if someone tries to take that agency from you, especially without considering your opinion on the matter: F*** 'em. Or for some, stop f***ing 'em.

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