Friday, July 1, 2022

Sanctity of Life

I wonder how abortion rights would be if men or people with penis think carefully before putting their penis inside a woman.
An ex once told me he never pays for women, and that sex is sacred and when he has sex with his partner(s) he already considers marrying them beforehand. Let's imagine that this is true, wouldn't this be nice? 

Sex can indeed be a religious experience. When you consider it as a commitment to marriage and raising a family together, you too would be very, very picky on where you put your dick in. After all, isn't that what the patriarchy and holy texts are about? Whatever your religion is, fathers and husbands are often seen as the head and the guide of the family. Isn't it the shepherd's task to choose the right flocks and to take care of the flocks they have?

Imagine going on dates where men want to see if you are the right person to build a family with, and not just immediately whipping dicks out the moment you smile a little too eagerly. Imagine being with people who sat next to you and discussing at length what would happen if the, ah, entwinement, produce a viable human being. 

Even if all these magical things happen, the person carrying the baby still has the final say. 

I used to cringe in distaste with jokes about abortion. I don't believe in 'taking lives'. There's an episode of my favorite anime series where the antagonist is a malevolent spirit created by the many aborted babies. That used to be what came first to my mind when I thought about abortion: this hideous being floating angrily for being wrenched away from a promised life.

That me was a sheltered me. A girl who thinks abortion is only for people who choose a shitty partner, on which they shouldn't have sex before marriage anyway. Abortion is only for tramps and whores who can't keep their legs closed. I was going to find someone, get married, and have kids. Abortion was never going to be an issue for me.

Except that it was always an issue. Coming to America was a game-changer for me. I was no longer trapped in societal confinement and my sexuality blooms. I have a future now that doesn't hinge on whether I am married or not. Abortion now is definitely on the table. I made the decision of using a birth control implant for 9 years now, and even though for me I don't think I can go through with abortion I am very very grateful that I have no kids whatsoever with my ex-partner.

This is something I failed to see until I come to the US. People back home have abortions too. Out of convenience. Out of shame. Out of abuse. Out of the desire to escape abuse. Out of the desire to pursue a better life. The people I know who went through with it are who and where they are because of it. My firsthand experience with kids and actual marriage also makes me realize how horrifying that commitment is. 

If the sanctity of life is the reason to ban abortion, then shouldn't it be started from the moment the 'making of' happened? One woman getting laid with 10 different men in a day can only conceive one time, and that's an if. One man getting laid with 10 different women in a day can potentially get 10 babies (cough cough Nick Cannon). Wouldn't the burden be on men/sperm donors to protect this sanctity of life at any cost? Including providing for the said woman/women and the future DNA vessel(s) should his seed result in a viable human being?
This is not just because and/or when they are 'caught', but from the get-go to the extent of them not having sex unless to someone that they are willing to be committed to for 18+ years. Or take necessary precautions. Nobody in their right mind, should they protect the sanctity of life, should be ok with doing it raw. What if the partner missed her pill or didn't take it? I am on birth control because I know I can't always guarantee my partners are willing to put on condoms. I made the effort to protect the sanctity of life. I honestly expect the same from those who are so eager to blast abortions.

If life is sacred, then sex is sacred because that's how you get them babies. If we don't want abortions, we should switch our behavior, especially the sperm donors, to ensure no random viable zygote fetuses etc are born. Everything viable has to be accounted for, has to be loved, has to be given the best the parents could offer. Discussion on how to raise the viable human being, should by random chance despite all the precautions still managed to exist, should be done before the penis went into the vagina. No matter where the sperm ends up, it is still a discussion that had to be had before sex.

Come on. It's not that hard. It just dismantling the perceptions we have about manhood for millenniums. I mean, sure my ex-partner cheated on me both emotionally and physically and has a much higher number of sexual partners than he admitted including those he pays for, but it can be done. Until then, shut the f- up about someone's abortion.

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