Monday, November 1, 2021


Have you ever be thankful that some people simply exist?

Of all the life choices they made they are here. With you. With us. In some extreme cases they could just book it out early but they didn't. And the sum of all those choices are their current existence.

This existence inspired us, motivate us, and change us accordingly. It could have been as mundane as seeing someone with a good hair color and decided to dye your hair accordingly, or an extreme one where you decided to change yourself.

It could be something as subtle as "Nah. I don't think X will be comfortable with it." Or a little bit extra push as "I will do this because I know Y believe in me and I want to prove them right." Or it could even be spite motivated "I *am* not going to be like that douche Z".

We ourselves are the sum of our actions and people we met along the way. We ourselves change the world and people around us simply by existing. Yet maybe none of us really understand this. 

We are nothing, we humbly said. Was it humbleness or our inability to accept how impactful we are, how even our smallest action could lead into great consequences?

I am glad that the people around me exist. Those who treat me like family. Those who guard me and my happiness valiantly. Those who make me want to be a better person just for them. Even those who forged me through the trial of pain and fire.

I am glad they exist. I am a better person because of them. And if the day come where they can't exist anymore in my universe, I know I will still be glad that I met them and have them close for a while.

Besties, thank you for everything and more. Thank you for existing in my world. I love you all as much Anakin hates sand.

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