Monday, August 9, 2021


The dance floors are empty. The halls are quiet. There's only whispers where music used to flow. Only few places remained to dance, and almost all are too far from me.

Rome wasn't built in a day. Neither does it built by one person only. Swing dancing happenings are the same. It was built by the event organizers, musicians, dance teachers, performers. It's a labor of love spanning on many dedicated years.

As the restrictions fall yet again, they are fretting. So much for their livelihood as another round of cancellation looming and uncertainty reign. Me, a common dancer, shared none of their concerns. It's unfortunate that I can't dance, but the restrictions doesn't bother my livelihood.

For them, they are stuck between the rock and hard place. Even with vaccination requirement, it may still be not the best idea to be in close contact with rotating random strangers. Even when they did their best to accommodate the dancers, they are still getting blasted on both ends.

"They should keep the dancers safe!" What an entitled thing to say. I agree that everyone's safety, including the dancers, should be a priority. Yet, can we not be more graceful? More compassionate, perhaps? 

At the end of the day, I can always dance. I can put on songs from my library or stream some music. I can have a little party with people I know. For them, there could be no next time. Two consecutive years of little to no income can destroy decades of hard work on building their businesses.

I know things are tough and many dancers are in an equally precarious state. Financial donations are always welcome, but at the very least keep them in your thoughts. At the very least remember the joy they have brought you. 

Thank you event organizers for the space and music to dance.
Thank you musicians for the rhythm that twirl and turn me off my feet.
Thank you dance teachers for the steps and tricks and how to move with the rhythm.
Thank you performers for the spices in our night and admiration that we felt.

Thank you all for precious nights and wonderful afternoons.
Thank you all for breathtaking dances and overflowing laughter.
Thank you all for making my life meaningful.
I hope to see you all again. 
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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