Tuesday, January 28, 2020


A performer that I like posted a picture of him with some 'undesirable' on a gig he was at. Despite his blatant request for no negative comments, a few still pops up.

How selfish could you be to do that? If you don't like something, just scroll along. There is no need to say "Not for me!" or other variations of what you think of the people whom he took picture with.

Just scroll along. Hide the post if necessary. There is nothing to defend here, and the world does not need to know your preference no matter how untrue you think it is. [Cue glitter bomb here]

At best, it made you look like an inconsiderate douche. Especially when he specifically requested no negative comments. At worst, you stole someone's moment and made it about you. What could have been a happy memory was tarnished by your negativity.

I think that performer made excellent music. I think he and his group should be world famous. I think I should support people like him who made the music genre I like so they can take over the (music) world instead of the current auto-tune horrible lyric trend.

If he can get a leg up from exposure through meeting and making acquaintance with 'undesirables', that is not a bad thing. Entertainment industry is hard and ruthless. One will need any good words he/she can get.

I can imagine the negative messages the performer get in his DM, or the scoff he received. I can imagine him noticing some fans who usually respond to his post were not there. If the said performer is reading this I just want him to know: "You're doing great, sweetie."

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