Thursday, May 16, 2019

The Mad Queen

I had a very misogynistic discussion with a guy who was committed in saying how terrible Dany is and how great Jon Snow is. It was bad. It was the whole manner of "You don't know any better!" and the seething anger towards women. I didn't even start it, he just come at me out of the blue.

The analogy was also clear. I am Dany and he's Jon Snow. I used to see him for a brief moment a long time ago and I am now in a serious relationship. And they say we women are extra.

My ex-husband did the same thing merely days ago. He kept trying to make me feel worthless and asserted his ownership on me. When I listed the reason why he sucks, he brushed it off and saying I only say that because I am in the midst of moving to a new apartment i.e. not in my best mind.

This is why Dany matters. At least to me.

It's unpleasant to have something choked down our throat when we don't give consent to it. It's unpleasant to have our thoughts questioned because we're women. It is unpleasant to be put down or told to accept things just because of our gender.

It's being blamed for our insanity when we were driven, nay, herded to it and no one bother to stop or save us. It's being accused as a bad person when we choose to stand up and not taking the abuse any longer. It's being called crazy when we finally had enough with the abuse and neglect and just flipped out.

Just like Dany, we women will pay for it. The worst we can do is key someone's car and the worst men can do is killing us, but we're the cuckoo ones. One moment of insubordination and we will pay for it as long as we live. Because being broken is unaesthetic. Because bitch be crazy.

Each one of us women probably have experienced that moment, where Dany was on the back of her dragon with an anguish look in her face. It was a fight or flight moment, where she could have just fly out in peace or throw herself in the fiery flame that will destroy everyone even the innocents.

Sometimes we can have the strength and the logic to take flight instead. Sometimes we choose to indulge and torched everything down, knowing fully well we'll be burned as well. Whatever we choose and regardless of the consequences, it doesn't negate our feeling or why we choose that path. 

Let the dragons fly again. Let us be feared if they won't learn to love. Let the ashes fall like snow.

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