Friday, February 15, 2019


I was the Cinderella in rag
A pretty rag, one that burns like fire
Yet a rag, nonetheless
As the other ladies twirled around me

Their perfect silhouette
The fabulous dresses
The elegant makeup and hair
The unmistakable grace

Will you ever see me among that crowd?
The simple, unremarkable peasant
Botched makeup and silly sneakers
Laughing and dancing gaily

And even if I am a true Cinderella,
I'd still ask you this
Even with the magical dress
And the fanciest glass slippers

You'd leave me, won't you?
You'd discard me, won't you?
You'd tell me I am worthless, won't you?
You'd stop loving me, won't you?
I held my head up high
But inside I shivered with fear
I tease and taunt and seduce
But inside I barricade my heart

I do not want the blow from you
To be told we don't belong anymore
To be blamed for less than perfect
To see the love gone from your eyes

Yet I still look for you across the room
On every nook and cranny of this city
I still call you in my dream
Still expecting one day you are real

Beloved King, I am waiting for you still
Alone in the throne of this desolate land
Loyalty and love are all that I can offer
And all that I ever want in return

Here I am naked with my scars
The rotting wound that consumed me whole
An ugly wench covered in dirt
A hideous monster among men

I'll love you but will it be enough?
Even if I'm perfect, will it be enough?
I want to believe it is
Yet I keep telling myself that it won't

Dearest King, I love you already
A love that will destroy me if it went awry
With no hope of coming back
Yet I still want you to come

I want to rule the world with you
To lay safe in your arms protected by your love
To be accepted for who I really am
My King and fellow ruler, I await thee.

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