Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Yo 'Murica


Sometimes I am grateful for US system that try to ensure everyone is treated equally, other times, like tonight, it leaves me in groan. 

A man stopped the bus and refuse to move out of the way when the bus driver told him he can't get on the bus without shoes. Plus he got a decorative sword with him.

The bus got held for almost 20 min with him insisting there is no law forbidding people to walk barefoot, and he will take responsibility if his barefootness caused him injury on the bus.

He insisted it is his country's culture and he has money to pay the fare, he just choose to do it barefoot according to the tradition. He called the bus driver racist for refusing him service.

The bus driver was really uncomfortable. He could drive away but he risked hurting the man and sued for discrimination, but if he let the man in the bus company is ripe for suing and fines should anything happen to the man.

Finally a passenger got up and talk to the man, persuaded him to just try the next bus which should arrive in 7 minutes. The man finally relented and backed away while still fussing, allowing the bus to come through.

This is diversity. In America, for good or bad, you can stand for what you think is right, for what you perceive as your right. In this moment on the bus all parties involved, the bus driver, the man, the passengers, believe their right is violated and believe they are doing what's right.

You can talk shit about America. You can focus on the evilness and corruptness or just the crass, gaudy, dickish things. As an immigrant I see things that I do not have back home, and I am grateful for that.

Yo 'Murica, you're pretty neat.

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