Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Living The Hate

The outtake from The-Kid-with-MAGA-hat saga: If people perceive you as threatening or hateful, no matter what you do you will still be considered in the wrong and you will still be accused of being threatening even when you are doing jackshit. 

Sure, it's *Trump's hat*. It's the symbol of hate. It's the symbol of established white American who still wants to oppress the minority. It's his own choice, so he should be ready to receive the backlash for it. Each action has its consequences, right?

The same thing can be said about people who donned Hijab or turban in an area where they are the minority. Or people who choose to wear revealing clothes in an area where nobody else is using it. Or tattoo and piercing donning in a traditionally modest area.

Muslims are not bad or evil, you say. It's totally a different thing. Well, obviously you are not that well-versed in how brutal the fanatics in Indonesia could be. The majority of Muslim is good, but there's always the bad ones. In all subset of groups, there's always some bad ones.

The underlying concept of all of these is fear. We fear what we perceive as threatening, and with that comes hate. Not all African-American are thugs, but some perceive and deduct it that way from what they get from their environment. Not all Hispanics are murderers and criminals. And by that logic, not all white people (especially male) get life handed to them on a silver plate.

The argument you put to justify the hate towards the kid with MAGA hat is the same argument someone will put to justify hate on different groups. It's literally is copy and paste, just change the name of the subject and the cause. Hate is all the same, man.

Vice versa, the argument anyone put to justify the support towards the kid with MAGA hat is as useless as any other arguments put up to defend the group that you hate. If you already choose to hate, choose to not understand your 'enemy's' reasoning, there's nothing anyone can do to sway your mind.

I am talking to you, who hate transgenders and LGBTQ+. And you, who hate women. And you, who think African-American is violent. And you, who think Asian people are easy to exploit. And you, who think Hispanic is beggar. And you, who choose to hate people for their different views and beliefs.

The next time you jump into conclusion, think carefully was it because of all the facts or was it because the prejudice was there. This applies in all aspect of life, where the unseen prejudice can easily take our mental steering wheel. The only way to do it is to be more aware of ourselves and thought process.

In the meantime, be prepared to take some ass-whopping and unfair judgment if you for some reason being categorized in a fit-to-be-hated group. Because apparently that's how the world works right now. It always was, it always will. At least until we can change ourselves.

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