Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Blunt Honesty

"It's great!" "It's wonderful!" "[insert enthusiastic comment here]". Yet all I see in their eyes are pain and fear, a great longing for acceptance, a craving to 'get it right'.

Life is shitty, love. Sprinkling copious sugar on top of it wouldn't make it less shitty. It's akin to drizzling honey on your over-salted stew, hoping it would be edible. All it will serve you is an even more inedible dish, which you still have to eat either way.

The deeper shit we are in, the more we tried to act as if nothing wrong. Because nobody likes Debby Downer. We can't afford to be pushed aside, not in our peak of fragility and loneliness.

We are also told that 'it will change the mindset'. Enthusiastic attitude makes us feel better with ourselves, or so we're told. Maybe it's because of the positive response that we get from people around us.

Yet it's ok to break down. It's ok to cry. It's ok to spend your Friday night sobbing and lamenting. It's ok to be weak and vulnerable. It's ok to realize the condition is shitty, and you have no control of it.

Put on a smile on your face when you are down because it will help. Don't do it because you think it will solve the problem, because it won't. Put on a smile for your confuse and sad self and tell him/her/them this: 

"Hey. I know you are confused and sad and hurt, but we got this. Don't worry. Right now let's take some time to bawl and feel miserable, but remember this: I got you and we got this. This too shall pass."

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