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Monday, January 28, 2019

1 PM Drunk with Wine

1 pm drunk with wine
Just one red but ooh there's white
Nope red tastes better
Holy F I may had had too much

So this is what life is
Sunday brunch with little bites
Casual chat and fancy chandeliers
Arias and music serenading me

How far have I gone?
A thousand miles and more
A river of tears and more
A million heartbreak and more

You told me you understand
In the darkness of night on the I-10
Of my traumas and fear and monsters
You told me it's okay

The many times I descend into darkness
The countless ways I went insane
The bottomless pit that swallows me whole
The constant fear of pain and abandonment

But there's you telling me it is okay
And my bestie shielding me tight
There are people trusting me, giving me strength
And the good life that's giving me wings

1 pm drunk with wine 
Shots of ceviche and fancy French toast
Life is sad but it's also good
I am alive. So damn alive.

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Sebuah Pilihan

Nggak memilih itu sebuah pilihan. Sebuah pilihan valid, kata saya. Ibarat ke theme park/taman bermain dan dipaksa memilih antara wahana penuh adrenalin vs wahana super imut, sementara saya nggak yakin dengan keamanan keduanya. Hak saya untuk duduk manis saja. Toh saya sudah bayar tiket masuk.

"Tapi ini demi bangsa dan negara, elu ga boleh tinggal diam!" Kenapa nggak boleh? Mau siapapun pemimpinnya, nggak berarti saya berhenti bayar pajak atau berhenti memperjuangkan saudara sesama WNI. Kecuali saya ganti paspor. Tapi ganti paspor pun saya tetap Indonesia dalam jiwa. Nggak akan saya pura-pura nggak kenal orang Indonesia.

Kita bisa dan berhak memilih untuk tidak memilih. Kita masing-masing punya prioritas, punya preferensi akan apa yang kita harapkan dari seorang pemimpin. Kalau kita tidak menemukan apa yang kita cari di calon-calon ini, jangan paksakan kehendak kalian.

"Kalau elu golput, elu ga berhak protes kalau negara kenapa-kenapa." Umm… kenapa? Masih banyak yang bisa dan pasti saya lakukan sebagai warga negara yang baik. Keputusan saya untuk tidak memilih tidak otomatis menihilkan sumbangsih saya sebagai warga negara, atau menghilangkan hak saya sebagai WNI.

Mungkin anda keliru dengan orang-orang yang memang tidak bertanggung jawab, yang bisanya mengeluh saja. Bayar pajak nggak, hidup parasit sama orang lain, tapi hobinya mengkritik pemerintah. Selalu ada yang salah. Nah yang kayak gini memilih golput ya murni karena malas dan tidak bertanggung jawab.

"Tapi kalau kamu tidak memilih, nanti suaramu jatuh ke calon XYZ dan kamu tahu betapa bahayanya dia bagi bangsa dan negara!" Ini saya setuju. Makanya yang memilih untuk tidak memilih sebaiknya memang tetap datang mencoblos. Pastikan surat suara anda tidak disalahgunakan, sembari bantu-bantu memastikan tidak ada kecurangan.

Indonesia adalah negara demokrasi, dan demokrasi itu berarti suara setiap orang sama nilainya. Baik pendukung Jokowi maupun pendukung Prabowo berharap Indonesia lebih baik 5 tahun kedepannya, atau syukur-syukur seterusnya. Definisi 'lebih baik' itu berbeda untuk tiap orang, tapi tetap valid. Ini demokrasi yang sebenar-benarnya. 

Karena hidup itu bukan hanya hitam dan putih. Ada pendukung Jokowi yang menjadi enggan memilih karena Abu Bakar Baasyir, ada pendukung Prabowo yang balik bodi karena komentarnya soal korupsi. Pilihan mereka itu tetap valid. Semakin anda memaksakan "Elu harus ngerti langkah politik beliau!", semakin jauh mereka meninggalkan pilihan awal mereka.

Dengan logika ini, begitu pula orang-orang yang memilih untuk nggak memilih. Itu hak mereka memilih untuk tidak memilih sesuatu yang buat mereka merugikan Indonesia kedepannya. Hak mereka untuk memilih tidak memilih seseorang yang buat mereka tidak sesuai dengan prinsip mereka.

Untuk para golputers, sebagaimana yang saya jabarkan diatas, pilihan anda untuk nggak memilih bukan nggak ada konsekuensinya. Nggak cukup hanya berkata: "Saya tidak nyaman dengan pilihan ABC" tapi tidak melakukan apapun untuk meraih apa yang anda rasa ideal untuk Indonesia. Apapun pilihan anda, kita semua tetap harus bekerja sama demi Indonesia yang lebih baik.

Ingat bahwa ada akhirnya, presiden hanyalah satu bagian dari pemerintahan. Perbaikan Indonesia ke arah yang kita inginkan harusnya dimulai dari level dasar seperti pemilihan kepala daerah dan anggota DPR/MPR, dimana semua calon kita pilih dengan seksama, dan kita awasi agar ia bekerja sebagaimana seharusnya: sebagai wakil rakyat. Banyak ya pe-er kita.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Living The Hate

The outtake from The-Kid-with-MAGA-hat saga: If people perceive you as threatening or hateful, no matter what you do you will still be considered in the wrong and you will still be accused of being threatening even when you are doing jackshit. 

Sure, it's *Trump's hat*. It's the symbol of hate. It's the symbol of established white American who still wants to oppress the minority. It's his own choice, so he should be ready to receive the backlash for it. Each action has its consequences, right?

The same thing can be said about people who donned Hijab or turban in an area where they are the minority. Or people who choose to wear revealing clothes in an area where nobody else is using it. Or tattoo and piercing donning in a traditionally modest area.

Muslims are not bad or evil, you say. It's totally a different thing. Well, obviously you are not that well-versed in how brutal the fanatics in Indonesia could be. The majority of Muslim is good, but there's always the bad ones. In all subset of groups, there's always some bad ones.

The underlying concept of all of these is fear. We fear what we perceive as threatening, and with that comes hate. Not all African-American are thugs, but some perceive and deduct it that way from what they get from their environment. Not all Hispanics are murderers and criminals. And by that logic, not all white people (especially male) get life handed to them on a silver plate.

The argument you put to justify the hate towards the kid with MAGA hat is the same argument someone will put to justify hate on different groups. It's literally is copy and paste, just change the name of the subject and the cause. Hate is all the same, man.

Vice versa, the argument anyone put to justify the support towards the kid with MAGA hat is as useless as any other arguments put up to defend the group that you hate. If you already choose to hate, choose to not understand your 'enemy's' reasoning, there's nothing anyone can do to sway your mind.

I am talking to you, who hate transgenders and LGBTQ+. And you, who hate women. And you, who think African-American is violent. And you, who think Asian people are easy to exploit. And you, who think Hispanic is beggar. And you, who choose to hate people for their different views and beliefs.

The next time you jump into conclusion, think carefully was it because of all the facts or was it because the prejudice was there. This applies in all aspect of life, where the unseen prejudice can easily take our mental steering wheel. The only way to do it is to be more aware of ourselves and thought process.

In the meantime, be prepared to take some ass-whopping and unfair judgment if you for some reason being categorized in a fit-to-be-hated group. Because apparently that's how the world works right now. It always was, it always will. At least until we can change ourselves.

Friday, January 18, 2019


Yesterday at the gym I feel like I was a blobfish in a tank full of beautiful, tropical fish. Everyone seemed to be hella attractive, and they can do all these fancy stretching moves while I struggle with a simple plank. I looked down at my jelly roll and feel I would need millenias to be where they are right now.

Even as I started my app for stretching, a part of me grudgingly suggested to just go and get some pizza or gelato. Not a very hard thing to do since my gym is located in a mall. I tried to focus on my exercises instead. I forced myself to feel the strain on my body, as opposed to what I couldn't become.

By the end of the night, I was still feeling like a blobfish. A blobfish that was drenched in endorphins after a good workout, and so ready for a good night sleep. I may be a blobfish but I feel good about myself, and that's what counts.

I want to tell you that if you work hard you can transform into the prettiest butterfly, but that's not how it works. Can I be transformed into one of those tropical fish? Yes, I believe so. I just don't have the time and patience for it. I choose not to. Some people just can't, for various reason.

Focus on what we want to become is good. We all need that motivation in our lives. Yet many times that motivation becomes a chain that held us back: "I'll never be that good enough, anyway. What's the use?" The answer to that is: "Because the effort makes you feel good about yourself".

There are pride and joy in overcoming obstacles, in knowing we push ourselves just a little bit over the edge and yet we survived. There's gaining confidence in realizing we manage to better ourselves, be it the one extra pushup or the one extra client. 

Don't waste your time feeling sorry that you are not the sparkling Angel Fish. If you are a blobfish, so be it. Focus on what makes you feel good, what makes you better. And yes, it sucks to be a blobfish. That doesn't mean you can't feel good about yourself.

I am still envious with the attractive people, and I know one of these days it will hit me again. I will be ready, though. Side lunge left. Side lunge right. Forward bend. Jumping jacks. Repeat. Focus. Focus. Focus.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

The Forgotten Life

I was googling some info on Singapore for work thingy when the thought hit me: "F*ck. Why didn't I go to Singapore instead of going home to Bali this March?"

I had my honeymoon in the Marina Bay Sands hotel. Everything is so fancy, so luxurious. We got upgraded into the suite with two (yes two!) separate toilet, his and hers. The nighttime view was breathtaking, and the late-night stroll was impeccable.

Outside the hotel, the tram system was amazing. Everything feels so clean, so organized, so safe. At least until we move to an AirBnB in the lesser part of the town, then holy sh*t. But even then, it was still an amazing, adventurous experience.

Gardens by The Bay was incredible. And if I am left to my own devices I will surely eat my way around the city, or just pondering around. The only thing that's stopping me is my cash flow (Singapore is expensive!) and the fact that I thought I hate Singapore. Until now.

I tried to bury my honeymoon deep in my mind. Lock it away and throw away the key, so to speak. What I remember was fighting with him. Crying by myself in the room. Walking in eggshell, so scared I would accidentally incite his anger. Not knowing that this is a life I don't want and instead questioning maybe I do deserve this. Can't say anything since it's his money that paid for the trip.

But I did have fun, as what I write above. I just don't realize it then. I feel lucky now that I am able to absorb such information, emotion, and wonder even when my heart froze and my brain cowers from fear.  I guess there's no escape for a sensualist like me. I love life too much.

The truth is, they can't take that away from you. They can try to distract you from experiencing the best life that you have by intimidating you, by forcing you to feel a different way. They can make you burst in tears, but in reality, the roses will still look as beautiful and smell as sweet.

I have been dragged down, and at times I still found myself in the hellhole he helped create. There you feel like there's no escape, no light shines through, no hope. You are worthless. You are awful. Everything is meaningless and that's where you should be.

It's not, though. The beauty of the world is still there. Just because we are drowned and locked in that hellhole, it doesn't mean the world cease to exist. They can't take the beauty of the world away from us, from anyone. They have no power over it, and therefore, no power over us.

Cry if you need to cry. Indulge in the darkness that surrounds you. Be bitter, be angry with how you are treated. Take as much time as you need to grief. Yet never close your eyes to the beauty around you. Life is beautiful. The world is amazing. It will never cease to be anything than magnificent.

You too, are magnificent. It will take time to heal, to escape from that hellhole of degradation and abuse. But during that time, flowers will bloom as beautiful as ever, die their graceful death, and then rise and bloom again. So will you. Chin up, you beautiful soul, you. They can't take that away from you. Never can.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Blunt Honesty

"It's great!" "It's wonderful!" "[insert enthusiastic comment here]". Yet all I see in their eyes are pain and fear, a great longing for acceptance, a craving to 'get it right'.

Life is shitty, love. Sprinkling copious sugar on top of it wouldn't make it less shitty. It's akin to drizzling honey on your over-salted stew, hoping it would be edible. All it will serve you is an even more inedible dish, which you still have to eat either way.

The deeper shit we are in, the more we tried to act as if nothing wrong. Because nobody likes Debby Downer. We can't afford to be pushed aside, not in our peak of fragility and loneliness.

We are also told that 'it will change the mindset'. Enthusiastic attitude makes us feel better with ourselves, or so we're told. Maybe it's because of the positive response that we get from people around us.

Yet it's ok to break down. It's ok to cry. It's ok to spend your Friday night sobbing and lamenting. It's ok to be weak and vulnerable. It's ok to realize the condition is shitty, and you have no control of it.

Put on a smile on your face when you are down because it will help. Don't do it because you think it will solve the problem, because it won't. Put on a smile for your confuse and sad self and tell him/her/them this: 

"Hey. I know you are confused and sad and hurt, but we got this. Don't worry. Right now let's take some time to bawl and feel miserable, but remember this: I got you and we got this. This too shall pass."

Monday, January 7, 2019

Standar Wanita

Saat kongkow dengan teman Indonesia weekend kemarin, saya bilang walau terdengar tidak patriotis, kalau saya ditawarkan atau dianjurkan mencari pasangan orang Indonesia mohon maaf saya harus mundur.

Langsung seolah saya bisa mendengar sorak-sorai mencemooh: Jyaaah gaya. Mentang-mentang tinggal di Amrik. Sombong. Sok londo. Muka nggak seberapa aja. Siapa pula yang mau sama elu. Malu sama hidung nan pesek. Nggak tahu diri.

Bukan songong sih, tapi lebih aman saja rasanya. Perselingkuhan, misalnya, adalah hal yang luar biasa besar disini. Tokoh publik yang ketahuan selingkuh atau menyewa jasa prostitusi bisa dihabisi sama netijen sini, bahkan karirnya bisa kelar. Arnold Schwarzenegger misalnya. Malu semalu-malunya kelihatan nggak setia.

Nah di Indonesia? Jawabannya adalah: "Wajar lelaki birahi tinggi…" Yang sibuk dikejar dan dihujat adalah wanitanya, baik pasangannya: "Salah loe dia selingkuh," atau teman mainnya: "Dasar perek!" Selingkuh dan/atau poligami pun tak jarang dipakai sebagai simbol status bahwa lelaki ini 'mampu', baik urusan duit maupun urusan ranjang. Males kan?

Belum lagi tiadanya jaminan hukum untuk anak-anak. Boro-boro alimony/tunjangan perceraian untuk istri, kadang begitu dapat yang baru si lelaki langsung hilang ditelan bumi dan si Ibu yang harus menafkahi anak-anaknya. Pakai dihujat lingkungan pula karena nggak punya suami.

Beda sama disini yang kita bisa mengejar pasangan untuk membayar nafkah anak, kalau perlu sampai potong gaji otomatis. Bukan hanya secara hukum, orang-orang yang kabur dari tunjangan anak pun dianggap nista, dilihat nggak bertanggung jawab.

Jangan lupa juga kebiasaan orang Indonesia yang penuh kritisi dan seolah anti wanita. Kadang lelaki model Avanza berharap pasangannya model Tesla seri terbaru, pas ditolak dibilang wanitanya nggak tahu diri. Lah. Wanita yang punya standar pun dihakimi oleh masyarakat, dibilang sombong dan nggak ngaca serta digosipkan macam-macam. Mending nggak usah kan.

Nggak semua pria Indonesia seperti ini, pasti adalah yang baik dan bisa diandalkan. Namun dengan pola pikir masyarakat yang seperti ini, sulit bagi wanita untuk mendapatkan perlakuan yang adil dan beradab. Suaminya bener, eh keluarga yang minta disambit bata. Keluarga beradab, eh suami tergoda bujukan setan teman-temannya.

Bukan berarti nggak ada harapan. Kita wanita pertama-tama harus belajar menghargai diri kita sendiri dan sesama wanita. Nggak usah rempong sama wanita lain. Coba dengarkan cerita mereka dan bukan sibuk bercerita tentang mereka. Karena wanita figur ibu, yang punya anak/keponakan/cucu/etc pun ajarkan untuk menghargai wanita.

Kalau kata orang, perubahan sikap itu perlu beberapa generasi. Makanya OKB ya kelakuannya OKB, nggak bisa langsung seningrat OKL. Mengajarkan untuk menghargai wanita dan memberikan hak-hak wanita (plus anak-anak) nggak akan langsung terlihat hasilnya sekarang, namun akan terlihat beberapa generasi setelahnya.

Asal tahu saja, tidak seperti di Indonesia di Amerika wanita harus memperjuangkan hak pilihnya untuk pemilu. Banyak lho yang sebenarnya wanita Indonesia dari awal lebih maju daripada di Amerika. Amerika sampai di posisi yang menghargai wanita adalah karena perjuangan wanitanya untuk meraih hak-hak mereka, bukan tetiba dianugerahkan oleh pemerintahnya.

Kita harus rajin baca-baca berita dunia agar tahu bagaimana wanita di negara lain diperlakukan, agar kita tahu apa hak seorang wanita. Kalau ada yang masih nyinyir, terutama yang lelaki, saya doakan semoga mereka bisa tinggal di negara maju biar tahu kalau mereka nggak ada apa-apanya. Karena emang nggak lho. Kelakuan anti-wanita dan sok macho orang Indonesia mah nggak laku sama orang sini. 

Nggak ada salahnya lho punya standar. Nggak ada salahnya memilih lelaki yang akan bertanggung jawab, baik secara finansial maupun secara mental, yang malu bila selingkuh dan malu saat tidak menafkahi anak istri. Kalau anda bilang itu terlalu berlebihan, ya itu derita anda sih. Standar kami mah beda.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Yo 'Murica


Sometimes I am grateful for US system that try to ensure everyone is treated equally, other times, like tonight, it leaves me in groan. 

A man stopped the bus and refuse to move out of the way when the bus driver told him he can't get on the bus without shoes. Plus he got a decorative sword with him.

The bus got held for almost 20 min with him insisting there is no law forbidding people to walk barefoot, and he will take responsibility if his barefootness caused him injury on the bus.

He insisted it is his country's culture and he has money to pay the fare, he just choose to do it barefoot according to the tradition. He called the bus driver racist for refusing him service.

The bus driver was really uncomfortable. He could drive away but he risked hurting the man and sued for discrimination, but if he let the man in the bus company is ripe for suing and fines should anything happen to the man.

Finally a passenger got up and talk to the man, persuaded him to just try the next bus which should arrive in 7 minutes. The man finally relented and backed away while still fussing, allowing the bus to come through.

This is diversity. In America, for good or bad, you can stand for what you think is right, for what you perceive as your right. In this moment on the bus all parties involved, the bus driver, the man, the passengers, believe their right is violated and believe they are doing what's right.

You can talk shit about America. You can focus on the evilness and corruptness or just the crass, gaudy, dickish things. As an immigrant I see things that I do not have back home, and I am grateful for that.

Yo 'Murica, you're pretty neat.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Goodbye, 2018

2018 is the year of Relationship for me. Last year, 2017,  was definitely the year of growth, with my writing become viral in Indonesia and my self-help book published soon after. I obtained licensed to sell securities and life insurance, a great deal for an ESL speaker like me. I learn how to swing dance socially.
In 2017 I realize life has so much to offer, and I am up for the challenge. This was a stark difference than 2016, where all was marred by my divorce. Looking back, 2016 is the year where I lost pretty much everything, including myself and my confidence. Yet here I am.

This year I lost a lot of friends. I found my true ride or die squad. First Valentine gift. First random flowers. First saying yes to be someone's girlfriend after avoiding the concept of formal relationship since I got my divorce. First time looking at myself in the mirror and loving every chubby fat and seductive smile I have.

It wasn't easy. There's a lot of tears falling. I missed my (ex) best friend a lot. I sat in lonely silence knowing I was excommunicated from one of my circles. I cried for the failed attempts of relationship. I'd stand in the dance floor, feeling like non-exist in the midst of the crowd.

Usually, when things didn't work out for me I have no say on what had happened. This time it was different. I could've kept the relationships I wanted had I been willing to compromise. I wasn't willing to. This year I did (and do) what I think is best for me, what I think is right for me, while fully aware of the consequences.

That doesn't mean I don't bitch. Of course I do. It sucks to have your hopes dashed to the floor. I can't tell you how many times my poor BFF had to listen yet again of my rant or to give me a hug while I had a meltdown (after he deemed I am sane and safe enough to approach).

That means this year, I learn to know my worth. I learn to realize what I want in a relationship. I learn to choose what kind of person or people I want to be involved with. Most importantly, I learn to not back out or cutting myself short just because I am scared to be lonely. 

That is big. I am always plagued by fear of abandonment and acceptance issue. To be able to consciously choose to be alone and not accepted is an impressive leap for me. This doesn't mean my BFF escape the constant "Am I not good enough?" whining from me, but it's a start. 

Because I am good enough. They too are good enough. It's just not the right fit, and it's ok. We met. We had fun. With each relationship, both romantic or friendship, both successful and unsuccessful, I realized what I really, truly want in life. It's definitely a journey.

It is ok to not get that booty call anymore. It is ok to sleep alone instead of with someone reading next to me until the late hour. It is ok to not curled up in somebody's arm and fall asleep in a bliss. It is ok to not having someone to gossip on your latest prey or to cry when it failed. It is ok to be left alone because of your belief and/or political stance. It's ok to be me.

I look at myself in the mirror more easily. Selfies happen more frequently. I walk with my head up high and a confident smile on my face. I love myself more. Loneliness often strikes, and the fear haunts me. But it's ok. I like myself now. I can live with her. We'll be just fine.

Hello, 2019. Come forth.

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