Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Ignorance of PC

I know for sure that I was an edgy, angry girl before and I have write and say things that not only stupid, but also insensitive. Not unlike Kevin Hart.

Do I regret it? No. I am sad about it, but I can't regret it. There is virtually no way the younger me have the empathy and knowledge that I have now, harshly earned from my experiences.

Am I a bad person for how I think back then? Yes, if you are so inclined to think so. I know I am not. You can choose to see what I did for others now and how I deal with life, or you can hang on to that moment where I have no knowledge and doesn't understand empathy. Your choice.

I just wish your choice is not cherry picking other people's (old) opinion for the one that suits your agenda the most. 

There are bigger assholes in Hollywood that are still assholes to this day but got the pass because they are anti-Trump, for instance. Abusers, predators, liars. Go hold them accountable.

By cherry picking who to put on the stake you also ensure that people will not change. Why change for the better if what you said in your younger, unknowledgeable days will be held against you? Might as well stay ignorant.

You have the power to make the world a better place and that can be achieved through empathy and encouragement, not through whiplash and stone throwing. Celebrate the growth, not dwell on the mistake.

PS: Before you call me homophobic for defending Kevin Hart, do know that as a published author in Indonesia I pretty much keep my DM open in all social media account for people who wants to come out. Abused women, lesbians, mistresses, sexual harassment victims, they can tell me everything and it will stay safe with me. 

I also have a very visible pro-LGBTQ stance, embracing my sexual side, and an avid advocate for women's empowerment and equal rights. All which will land me in trouble if I ever have to go back to Indonesia for good, and pretty much a stain on my family's name right now.

You can use my credentials as consideration and think "She might have a point." Or you can stubbornly call me homophobic simply because I do not share your sentiment about Kevin Hart. Ignorance is something that we can grow out of, but only if we choose so.

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