Friday, November 30, 2018

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
Can you please fix Stupid? I know you can't, but I am hoping you can. If you can give kids around the world gifts within a very limited time period, you most likely can fix Stupid.

I know, I know. Time travel is one thing, fixing stuff is another thing. Especially when it is born or made like that. Especially if it is not broken in the first place.

I would like to say that it is broken. It just doesn't know that it is broken. How could it be right if anything it does hurt others? Can't you just reprogram it or something?

I think flushing out Ignorance from its system will probably work best. Deactivating Ego is an extreme choice but might be necessary to properly flush out Ignorance. It's also the only way to upgrade Ego to Humbleness.

And maybe, maybe we can install Empathy and Sympathy? I know it costs a fortune, but you can do it, Santa. Let's do one of those newly developed Justice and Fairness too, with Objectivity boost. 

Please Santa, this is doable. We must fix Stupid before it's too late. Before Stupid destroys the world we know, before Stupid nurture and unleash Hate. Please tell me you'll help me, Santa.

You won't help me, Santa? Come on. I think we both agree it is high time you interfere. Hoping Stupid will be fixed by human themselves is like betting on a dead horse. You know this. Santa, please.


Dear Satan,
As you predicted, he won't budge. Are you happy now? If I can't fix it, I might as well destroy it. Hit me up if you are interested. I know you are.

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