Friday, September 14, 2018

May We Found Peace

"Good morning [coworker 1] and [coworker 2]!" said coworker 3 cheerily as she walked past our cubicles, conveniently acting as if I wasn't there. Another day as usual.

I get it. She didn't like me. I do not know why, yet I am unwilling to implore. Hey, we're not in high school anymore. I don't do this "You can't sit with us" tomfoolery. If you have an issue with me, go and solve it like adults instead.

The sad part is, if she's thinking it hurts me, it actually hurts her more. Her giving me the "you don't exist" treatment only show people at work how spiteful she is. I can assure you not many giving me the dirty look of "Heck yeah she totally deserves it!". 

It's sad because, well, it's sad. We'd be together in the office dining room and a solid silence will be between us, a tension exacerbated with strong dislike and disgust with each other. At least from her to me, I am mainly just feeling sad and sorry for her.

Imagine having to go to work every day and meet this f*cking little a**hole that you totally despise. Imagine hearing her voice and her laughter, as if she doesn't have a care in this world. Imagine listening to her name being called with excitement and joy. That sucks. Really bad.

This is what hate gives you. You got trapped in your own negativity and couldn't break free. In return, the world pays you back with negativity and life becomes even shittier. It ended up not only hurting your mind but possibly your physical self too. You get sick more easily, tired more often, and just oh so angry all the time.

If there is one thing I can ask to the universe, I wish every being can be happy or understand the way to happiness. Of course pure unbridled happiness is a joke because as a social being our state of mind, including happiness, will impact other people's. You can be unhappy because of other people's happiness, so to speak.

But what if, what if each human can find at the very least peace and content? What if each human can be free from the anger and pain they feel inside, and avoid inflicting anger and pain on others? Can that peaceful respite become a small source of happiness?

The world is ailing. It screams in agony as the nature torn apart and slowly destroyed. It writhes in pain as the uncountable negative emotions flood its system. It cries in terror as the countless lost souls getting lost even further. The world is sick. The world is dying.

May we all found peace in ourselves. May we sleep well at night, away from night terrors and nightmare. May day brings us the hope we all need. May we look at ourselves with love, and in others with affection. May we, and all beings, found our sustainable happiness.

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