Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Don't Effing Touch Me

Google keyword "Ariana Grande groped" and you'll see news about "Bishop apologize to Ariana Grande" or "Ariana Grande receive an apology from Bishop."

No. F*cking no.

The correct headline should be: "Ariana Grande is groped in public", or " Bishop did a shameful act in public", or "Bishop is excommunicated for indecent act".

Yeah. That's right. It is shameful, indecent, and absolutely gross.

Why? Because no person should be touched without his/her consent. NO. ONE. SHOULD. BE. TOUCHED. WITHOUT. CONSENT. Do I need to repeat that for the people in the back?

But, this is serious, right? I mean, she was groped in LIVE TELEVISION.


New York Times put it in their "Music" category. Washington Post (2nd page result,14th news from the top, btw. Even India Times rank higher in the search result) described the act as "Grazing". Jezebel (17th rank) told the story shortly. Nothing from Huff Post on the 2nd page result.

The fact that the majority of the news mostly told by entertainment outlet is pretty f*cking disgusting. When you get groped in public it doesn't matter who you are. YOU. GET. F*CKING. ASSAULTED. IN. LIVE. TV. And that should be enough to get some heads roll.

Nope. As one news outlet say, "The bishop learned it the hard way." Wow. Sure. I mean having to apologize for F*CKING GROPING A WOMAN IN PUBLIC is so, so stressful. The shame, humiliation, the feeling of unworthiness and helplessness felt by the victim is nothing compared to that. Yeah right.

Women is not an object. If you, men or women, did not get riled up from watching the clip, if you did not cringe in disgust when reading the news, if you did not feel a sudden urge to pull her out and punch the f*cking a**hole in the face, you are part of the problem.

Don't touch me without my consent. Don't touch ANYONE without their consent. Are we golden here?

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