Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Release. Let Go.

"Can I use your phone?" said the stranger at the bus station. "I need to call someone really quick." No. No. I just spent a full night crying because I feel discriminated against. Why do I have to help you when no one helped me? No.

"Sure," I said. "What's the number?"

This b*tch, I cursed myself. I don't want to socialize. I don't want to be nice. I just want to be angry and sad right now. It will be so easy, so rewarding to just say "No". Nobody rewards you for being nice or understanding. @ssholes, on the other hand, they got it all.

Yet as I see him calling his friend, as I see him jumping into his friend's car and drive away, a certain calmness swept upon me. All my angers melt away, or at the very least, less agonizing than before.

I spent the whole night crying because the world is unfair. I wake up and I still cried. I played stupid game on my phone for hours  just to distract myself. Yet I was still angry and sad. It's not right. It's not fair.

That random chance of kindness change it, though. I am still sad and bitter, but it gives me new perspective. The world is unfair and there is nothing I can do about it. I can reel in the negativity, or I can change the way I feel about it.

Me choosing being kind is not gonna balanced out the unfairness of the world. People is and will always be sh*tty. But it made me feel good about myself. That I choose not to be sh*tty or salty. And that is good enough.

The one we save by treating other kindly is always ourselves. The conscious decision to help others allow us to realize we are not entirely bad, that we can do good. That when we have to choose, we can choose the right thing to do.

Release. Let go. Keeping anger and negativity won't take us far. It will torment us and bogged us down instead. We don't need that. We are what we choose to be. And to be honest, living in a world where everyone is being nice and kind to each other is not a bad idea.

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