Friday, August 3, 2018


I am falling through the sky
Suspended on dreams
The air around me turns thick
Swirls and curls into mist
The cold permeates my bones
Skin covered in prickly goosebumps
The white around me
Indescribable pastel colors
Against the soft blue sky
And I am waiting for my body to shattered
Upon impact at the end of my fall
It will come any moment now
The sickening thud and deafening cracks
The unimaginable pain before I die
Yet still I hover in this endless fall
Trapped in the body that I don't recognize
Looking from the eyes that are not mine
The immortal me in the mortal me
I take a deep breath and close my eyes
Feeling the thick nothingness around me
This is fine for now
This is fine

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