Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Holding my phone in my hand
Resisting the urge to throw it away
Defying the temptation to block your number
Time to face my fear
Love is an elaborate water slide
One that I am afraid to take
I saw the plunging depth before me
And I am scared, so very scared
It'll be nicer to just step down
Hide myself under the gazebo
Where I won't get hurt
From the darkness that'll envelope me
Or the cold water that'll shocked me
And yes, nasty surprises that awaits me
But I have been here too long
And I have run away too many times
I don't want to be a coward anymore
I told myself I deserve to be happy
Come what may I will still enjoy the ride
The rushing feeling and adrenaline
The gleeful laughter and unbroken smile
I anchored myself in my mind
I must not run again
The ropes are around me like Gulliver's
Stopping me from sabotaging myself
This is it, the time has come
I see my phone in fear and contempt
Yet still I held it close
It is time to be brave
It is time to take the plunge

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