Monday, November 27, 2017

At The Edge Of The World

I am standing at the edge of the world
Brimming with happiness
Lit with satisfaction
Filled with life

My eyes are glowing with passion
Mouth curved into a wicked smile
Body taut, prepare to pounce
Soul wide open and ready to fly

I have lost, I have found
I have wept, I have laughed
I have loved, I have hated
I have kept, I have let go

And this is me right now
Standing strong
The river of events flowing fast
Still I stood tall

I am the little witch in the night
I am the perfect girl next door
I am the faery beneath the stars
I am the flower under the sun

Yet the feeling won't ebb away
It grew stronger and deeper
The love for life
This passion inside

Look at me and behold
The creature that God created
Forged in trials and tribulations
Honed with love and affection

Here I am standing at the edge of the world
A final leap, a final jump
Immersed myself into the real world
And be lost in all its glory

So long, mediocre life
Goodbye dissatisfaction and unhappiness
I won't look back to the emptiness I felt
Instead fix my gaze on the wonder it promises

See my radiance with the fire of expectation
Watch my cool with the water of acceptance
Observe my stand with the deep root of my faith
Witness my beauty with the preciousness of life

For I am life itself, and death as well
Walked in the light, rest in the darkness
Balancing between the law and chaos
Forever tempted between good and evil

Look at me and rejoice
Join me and set yourself free too
The promise of life lies not in the words
But in the courage of the heart

For I am the fire that burns
I am the water that flows
I am the plant that provides
I am the metal that strengthens

Here I am standing at the edge of the world
Won't you come, won't you play?
One brave jump to a whole new world
Come love, take my hand.

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