Wednesday, February 8, 2017

LAX Dec 2016

The plane descended gradually from midair. It seemed gradually and so graceful, but I knew the speed was immense and the air resistance was outstanding. I wanted to give kudos to the pilot and co-pilots who can master the iron beast to get us down safely. That is, if I could stop being mesmerized for a minute or two.

The windows were all open for the descent, and the black night was among us. As we descend further the white wisp of clouds began to disappear and changed into the vista of the land below. The uncharted and inhabitable territory was pitch dark, while the more populated ones were graced with pretty colors like a sea of stars.

As we descend even further I can make out a clearer image, with roads and their lamps lining up like the veins of the city. Veins of the city. The thought took me aback. The roads lead to the cluster of buildings, the tall ones that seemed to beat independently, the source of all life. The heart of the city. I started to see things more clearly now.

In my mind, the city came to life. The pulsing veins, the beating hearts, the little cluster of body here and there. I could see a giant emerge from my mind, looking for me, waiting for me. How many times have I driven down that road? How many times have I walked through the buildings? How long have I been with The City? 2 years, 3 years? And all of these times he was alive.

The view became more detailed as I hear the final landing announcement. Cars can be seen, houses and freeways too. But the image in my mind was still too vivid. He's alive. He beckoned me silently, welcomed me back to his embrace. I blink silently and touched the window to compress my feeling as my heart answered his call. He is The City, and I am his willing daughter.

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