Thursday, February 23, 2017

But What If

Cried my heart out there on the pavement
Smashed cake and shattered heart
Suicidal thoughts and melancholic tears
An end to an end that ends all end

But what if I never see you again?
Will the sky still be blue and the moon as full?
What if I never met you before?
Will I cry, will I laugh, will I live so complete?

Shyly looking at him from the passenger's seat
Giggling through the songs, a romantic fool
Gentle kisses and gentler love
A prelude to a finish, an eternal closure

But what if I never touch you again?
Will the sun still shine and the stars still bright?
What if I never kiss you before?
Will I know how it is to feel safe and content?

People come and people go, but memory lingers
The day I met you is the day I know I will lose you
Threads disconnected, affection fades away
In a world of uncertainties, the end is always certain

Should I not take your hand then, or softly touch you?
Should I not laugh and smile and giggle, or be happy near you?
Should I not look into your eyes and find solace there?
Should I not bother to realize that you exist in this world?

Yet your existence shaped my life, enhance it even further
Even when the good memories keep me awake all night 
And the loss and the pain will leave some scars
I wouldn't, couldn't want it any other way

Let me tell you I love you, as if you'll be gone the next day 
Let me hold you close and care for you, as if it's gonna be my last
Let me be strong and choose the certainty of a separation
Over the uncertainty of missing an experience with you

For the pain and misery is difficult to bear
Yet not knowing you is even worse
The sleepless nights and the flowing tears are painful
Yet embracing you and feel you near are all that matters

I will love again, even though I will lose you
I will trust again, even though forever is a mirage
I will give my heart and soul, even though this will not last
I will risk the pain, because it is well worth it

Come closer then, sweet lover, one of my many
'Cause for now, you will be my one and only
Tears will fall and heart will break
But let me savor this sweetness, just for a bit

Kiss me now, sweet darling, with all you got
Make every gesture a thing to remember
The loneliness after will kill us, that's for sure
But let us be lost in each other, just for a while

'Tis a dangerous game we're playing, where sanity is at risk
Where eternal hell could wait, just for a second of happiness
Is it worth it? Will it worth it?
Why, yes. Why do you even ask?

Take the plunge, sweet baby, and don't look back
Come find me and let our story began
The drama and the tragedy will follow after
But the romance and comedy is also there to be indulged

And let me love you, as I will let you love me
Let me kiss you and give my all, as I will accept your all
Let me fill your life, as you will fill mine
Let us be together, for this very short time

Love me, sweet lover
Hold me dear, sweet darling
Comfort me, sweet baby
And be forever mine, until time for us to part…


  1. Hiks hiks hiks... 😢😢😢

  2. Definitely cry.. 😢😢
    Can feel the feeling, both wanted to leave, but wanna stay for a while..
    Like a song i remember..
    Daylight by maroon 5..
    "Cause When the daylights come i'll have ti go.. But tonight i wanna hold you so close"
    Actually that separated feeling sometimes has their unique romance.. Romance that'll be missed, beyond the paim..
    Hold on dear..

  3. Definitely cry.. 😢😢
    Can feel the feeling, both wanted to leave, but wanna stay for a while..
    Like a song i remember..
    Daylight by maroon 5..
    "Cause When the daylights come i'll have ti go.. But tonight i wanna hold you so close"
    Actually that separated feeling sometimes has their unique romance.. Romance that'll be missed, beyond the paim..
    Hold on dear..

  4. Gk sngaja nemu tulisan mba nya ekt tengah mlm kebangun dan sperti biasa cek fb. I definitely fall in love wt ur writings. Poetic funny n so genuine.
    Izin share utk poem yg ini mba... Makasi.
