Tuesday, June 21, 2016

This Is Hell

Come, walk with me in hell
Where the air is thick as soup
And your sin is thicker
Where the sorrow is shared
By all of us sinner

Walk with me, dance with me
As our feet consumed by fire
A true fitting tribute
To our deepest darkest desire

And let the daggers rain on you
Let drops of blood flow free
And let your howl of pain be heard
It is liberating, can't you see

The heart that beats beat no more
But the horrible agony lingers
Is it not what living is about
To be dead but still feels the stingers?

Oh the pain and the sorrow
Oh the madness between my furrow
And the darkness in me said, "Ain't it swell?
Dear baby, enjoy your hell!"

A skip and a beat, a jump and a kick
A place where there is nowhere to run
Agony and anger, shame and sadness
Oh honey we only just begun

So dance with me stay with me play with me
Dance the dance of hopelessness
Stay and sip the drink of nothingness
Play the game of despair and madness

The night has just begun
The skin is fresh, the wound is new
There will be more to come
And it will be painful, I promise you

This is hell
Ain't it swell
Like a tainted stinky horrible spell

This is hell
Oh so well
Let all your hopes and dreams be put in a quell

This is hell
This is hell
This. Is. Hell!

So take my hand and trust in me
Let me guide you through the misery
Because this is hell
Ain't it swell?

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