Tuesday, April 12, 2016

It's (Not) Over

Girl, you know it's over
It's over when the fat lady sing
So belt out that tune for me
and sing the sorrowful goodbye
It's over
It's over
It's over

Fragments of dreams and wishes
Are but drops of water on your palm
The harder you tried to keep it
The faster if flows down
To the ground
To the dirt
To the end

Unspoken words are like thorns
You need to get it out
But it will not heal the pain
And blood will still flow freely
From your body
From your soul
From your life

It's over girl, it's all over
It's the end of the end
The end of the edge of a cliff
The final stretch of the rope
It's finished
It's no more
It's all gone

Dreams are wonderful but morning is here
In the cruel light of day you awoken
Dazed and confused, Sad and weary
And you know you have to realized it:
It's over
It's over
It's over

So hug me one more time and cry if you must
Shed the tears, shed the fears
Cleanse your soul and strengthen it
But you will never be alone
I am here
You are here
We are here

It's over, but our journey has just started
We have a long and promising journey to go
So be with me, walk with me, talk to me
It's not over yet, not for me and you
Hug me
Hold me
Love me

It's not over yet...

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