Friday, March 13, 2015

Chappie : A Humanly Movie About Life

I try to make sure that I didn't give out too much info/spoiler about the movie, but it *may* have some spoiler. Sorry.

Humanity last hope isn't human. So the tagline say. Truer word has never been spoken, and I have never seen a movie so human like the one I saw last night.

It talks about the circle of violence.
It talks about love.
It talks about purposes of life.
It talks about how one got involve in criminal activity.
It talks about the need to be 'tough'.
It talks about hope and dreams.
It talks about the hatred within.
It talks about doing 'the right thing'.

All the dialogues that would have been too cheesy or eye-rolling inducing in a normal movie with humans were perfectly placed in this robot movie. I found myself gripping the edge of my seat, desperately rooting for this robot. Desperately wanting humanity to prevail.

Hugh Jackman's acting is not special, nor does Sigourney Weaver's. Die Antwoord are brilliant in their weird way. The plot may seemed back and forth. There are no dramatically amazing scenes like staged explosions in Transformers. Yet to me, the movie is spectacularly beautiful. Seating in the movie theatre the movie forced me to watch the strangest fiction ever: life.

The cry of Chappi when he was newly made and attacked was the cry of the young children that are bullied and doesn't understand why they are being harmed.

The desperate plight of Deon was the desperate plight of well-wishers like teachers or community officers when finding a child in a grip of incapable parent or stuck in a violent surrounding.

The anger Chappie felt when knowing he was about to die and subsequent banter with The Maker on why he even made to life was the anger anyone felt when they are on the verge of calamity, down to the "Why God, why?!" bit.

The war cry of Vincent was the war cry of all narrow minded people that demand the destruction of anyone who are different than them, Muslim/Christian/White/Black/Chinese/etc.

And even the laughter of people in the movie theater when they saw Chappie sitting on the bed with his mommy cruelly reminded me that yes, not all human can see things for what they really are. When an intimate bonding moment merit a laughter because one is different than the other, you'll know that something is wrong.

With the big "black vs police" issue in US, anyone who is concerned with the situation should watch the movie. It clearly explained how violence is taught, not inherited. It clearly shows how we can fix the situation. It clearly tells what happen if we don't fix the situation. 

I see my little son in Chappie, and I see what he could become in this world full of malicious people. I guess that is why this movie is interesting to me, because I see the main character as itself. I didn't see him as a robot, I see him as an equal. Just like District 9, it is significant only if you can relate yourself to the prawn and understand their struggle. 

In the end Chappie said, "It is only a temporary body." He is right. This body will die and decayed, but our conciousness will live on. What we say and do will be forever etched in someone else's memories. Pretty deep for a robot movie, huh?

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