Sunday, November 9, 2014

Hey You in The Mirror

Hey you in the mirror
Why are you so sad? Why are you so blue?
I could see the lines in your face
And the pain inside your heart
You don't need to hide it from me
You can't ever hide it from me
For I am you, and you are me
And whatever you feel, I feel it too

Hey you in the mirror
I remember the times when I was happy
You've never seen a more beautiful smile
Nor felt a more joyous feeling
I shared those moments with you
And how we love those moments!
For I am you, and you are me
And whatever I feel, you feel it too

Hey you in the mirror
Look at me, look at me in front of you
The one person who understand you
The one person who could feel you
The one person that will never leave you
The one person that is yours truly
For we are one another
And whatever we feel, we share it with each other

Hey you in the mirror
I know you are sad right now
I know you are lonely right now
I know you feel you don't belong anywhere
I know you feel you will never fit in
And maybe, you know, maybe you are right
I know this because I am you
You know I know because you are me

So rest your back in the mirror
And know that I got your back
And even if the mirror breaks
You will still see me in the sparkling clean glass window in shops
You will still see me in the dirty puddle in the street
You will still see me in the reflection of your cool pair of sunglasses
I will never leave you, and you know this is true
Because we are meant to be

Hey you in the mirror
Rest up, take a breather
Cuss and cry, sob and shout
Let your feeling out
Do whatever you need to get it out of your system
Until the time that you are ready to smile again
I will be with you throughout the grim and grin
And baby, I got your back
I always do.

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