Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Parents' Prose: In memory of Rebecca Sedwick

"Her parents told ABC she was a loving, caring young girl who is not a bully.
'My daughter's Facebook was hacked, she would never write anything like that. She's not that type of girl that would just say something like that." - Read more here.

"The goblin/dwarf turf war had flared up again, and every morning hordes of angry parents showed up demanding the release of their innocent offspring...

They were on her like flies on stink-worm.
'My Grumpo is innocent!'
'Police brutality!'
'Officer, could you take my baby in his blanky? He can't sleep without it.'" - Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer, published in 2001

I looked at my little girl: she is the prettiest girl I've ever seen. I am so fortunate to be able to provide her with a safe, protected life, one that enables her to grow to her optimum abilities. She has admirers and loved by all, that is for sure. Why not? She is kind and strong, the epitome of all young ladies should be. She is the sun of my life, a tough person who can go and reach her destiny. How I love my daughter!

I looked at my little girl: she was the prettiest girl I've ever seen, and she still is even with tears in her face. I have strive to provide her a safe, protected life, one that enables her to grow to her optimum abilities, yet here she is, curled in pain. She was alone, but I loved her dearly. Why not? She is sweet and graceful, the epitome of all young ladies should be. She is the sun of my life, a gentle soul who touch others heart with her kindness. How I love my daughter!

The accusations were harsh, and so untrue. My little angel would never do such a thing to another person. She is loving, caring, wonderful! This squirmy little worm must have bring it on the herself, or organized by somebody who is jealous with my little princess. It does not matter. What matter is how my girl can keep on living and free from this terrible accusations.

The words were harsh, and so untrue. To be called with names, and to be disgraced and humiliated in public, my little angel would never understand why someone needs to do it to another person. She is loving, caring, wonderful! There is no reason to justify why she has to be treated so terrible, nor did she fake the attacks on her. It does not matter. What matter is now my girl has been freed from this horrible ordeal.

That cowardly fool! Children mock each other everyday, heart broken and then mended. There is no reason for her to end it like this. And blame my princess even. That stupid, cowardly fool!!

That wretched girls! Words and humiliation stopped being a game when they see the terrible effect on my little girl and yet still keeping it forward. There is no reason for them to keep hurting her. That terrible, wretched girls!

Don't worry my love, I will always be beside you and release you from the horrible jail. You are not to be blamed for the mistake a stupid fool who is too weak to defend herself. Cursed that cowardly weaklings!

Don't worry my love, I will always be beside you even though you have gone in to the coldness of death. You are not to be blamed for taking this way out. I am sorry I couldn't help you earlier. Curse my human weakness!

Now rest my love, my pretty girl, my dearest angel
Mommy is here by your side

In memory of Rebecca Sedwick:
Rest in peace dear girl, no one will hurt you again.

More on bullying:

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