Thursday, October 24, 2013

I Am Not Special

The best lesson that Life has taught me is that I am not special.

There will always be people taller/shorter than me
There will always be people smarter/dumber than me
There will always be people who have more/less than me
There will always be people more attractive/less attractive than me
There will always be people faster/slower than me
There will always be people kinder/meaner than me
There will always be people funnier/sadder than me
There will always be people who know more/less than me
There will always be people who communicate better/worse than me
There will always be people who get what I want but couldn't have, and
There will always be people who wanted what I got but couldn't have

Therefore, I am not special. There will always be someone who bests me, both in being best and being worse.

The dark wavy hair that my family shares
The exotic face and skin color that my sub-race shares
The knowledge of life that my nation shares
The laughter that people share
The grief and tears that people shed
The lost of love, the finding of love, the decision to live, the struggle and strive to live
The pain and joy and fear and glee, the anxiety and calmness and depression and elation
The discovery and the loss, the long waiting and the quick reward
The trial, the error, the experience
All of these shared by other people
Amplified in some, downplayed in others

Therefore, I am not special. There will always be someone who looks or thinks or feels like me, I see a part of me in every human being.

But Life has also taught me that I am indeed special.
There are no two things in this world that are identical from one another
Not even if it comes from the same mold
Not even if it looks like a perfect copy to a human's eyes
Just like snowflakes and human's twins
Therefore, I am special

My thoughts, which also thought by many other human to some degree, are mine and mine alone
My emotions, which also felt by many other human to some degree, are mine and mine alone
My physical characteristic, which also exist in many other human to some degree, are mine and mine alone
My skills and abilities, which also present in many other human to some degree, are mine and mine alone
My choices and decisions, which also made by many other human to some degree, are mine and mine alone
My life and how I live it are mine and mine alone
Just as a flower: the soil that nurtured me, the seed that sprouted me, the climate that surrounded me,
All together made me who I am, and no flowers are exactly the same
I am who I am, the one and only me
Therefore, I am special

In this world I am not special because everybody, including myself, is special
I couldn't raise myself and look down on them, because they have something I don't have
A piece of them that is different than mine, a piece of them that is more than mine, be it better or worse
They couldn't raise himself and look down on me, because I have something they don't have
A piece of me that is different than theirs, a piece of me that is more than theirs, be it better or worse
We are not special, because each and every one of us is special

We are but a drop of water in the ocean
Each with story to tell on how he/she get there, and the journey that they take
Each has different shapes and different number of atoms, each is unique and one of a kind
Together these drops create the ocean where the sea-animals live
Together these drops made the waves that corrode the rocks
Together these drops made life, sustained life, or destroyed it
Each is special, and uniquely themselves
Each is precious

I am not special, and neither are you.
Yet I am also special, and so are you
And in this sea of life, I am glad I met someone special like you
I am glad that I met you

1 comment:

  1. Mbak kalu ingin nyari kerja di sana susah gak ya. . .
