Monday, April 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Love

I am thankful for the day you born
Does God know how much joy and happiness you will bring to the world?
With your shining eyes and mischiveous grin 
With your strong embrace and warm presence
With your kindness and sincerety

I am thankful for the day we found one another
Does God know how much joy and happiness you will bring to me?
With your love and acceptance
With your funny jokes and silly games
With your strength and determination

I will be thankful for the day we are in each other arms
Surely God know how much joy and happiness we will have from each other's presence!
The day is yet to come, but I will wait
The distance is still so far, but I will wait
The loneliness is terribly suppressing, but I will wait

Happy (belated) birthday love
No finer man has walk my world
Nor lovelier or funner
Wishing you all the best in life
Because you are simply the best!

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