Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Do

Coming from the man I love most, the loveliest phrase for me is not "I Love You". It is "Will you be my wife?". 

Within those words lies commitment and promises, and the vow to be together and support one another. It's a lifetime contract, but why not? I want to spend my life with someone I love most, and some one who love me most. I still believe in 'happily ever after', yet fully aware of the challenges in life. Marriage will not grant me solution to my woes, but knowing I have someone that will support and love me will. 

It is still a long way to go for me and my beloved. Yet I believe one day I will find myself with his ring ready to be slipped on my finger, while the priest asked do I take him as my husband. Yes, I do. With all my heart. 

I love you dearest...

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