Saturday, March 10, 2012

I'm Sorry Lover. I Cheat

Dear Lover,
I cheat today. Forgive me.

I knew I should've stay away. I knew I should've walk away. I knew they can be my demise the moment I set my eyes on them. But I cant help myself, cant control myself.

It was their colorful appearance, the proud way they carry themselves, the way they brag themselves. Their wittiness enthralled me, and the proud me become a helpless victim of their charm, eyeing them with pleasure and excitement. What do they feel like, I wonder. My curiosity is piqued. I said to myself: I just want to know, just to know a little bit more. Which is a lie and I know it.

When I put my fingers on one of them the ecstacy rush through me. As I craddle them one by one in my hands, feeling every nook and cranny of their smooth flawless body with my finger I become intoxicated. I want them. Every one of them. They promise me wonders of the world, adventures and daring feat, romance and knowledge. Things that I might not be able to do in my lifetime, even with a wonderful lover like you. At the moment the world cease to exist, and I walk in a living dream.

I desire them, my love. As heinous as it may sound, I want them to accompany me in my life, accompany us in fact. In those long lonely nights, in that bright sunny days, I want to be with them, or at least one of them. But not as your rival, darling. We'll enjoy their taste, their smell, the pleasure they have to offer together, can't we?

The sound of the phone wake me up. I spend too much time already, you'll be worried. I have to go back to you. I'm sorry I forgot about you and give myself to them, even if it's only for a short time. Yet such a splendid time it is! But i'm sorry, and I promise that I'll never go book-viewing at bookstores again. Well, at least not today.

-Confession of a bibliophile-

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