Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kuta Karnival 2011

It’s the sun, It’s the sea, it’s the wind that breeze and the huge kites that flew (and some huge beer-bottle balloons that I just adore), it’s Kuta Karnival 2011 in full spirit!!

Yup, one of my favorite event of the year has return, and it returns with such full throttle, no less than the OktoberFest as its theme!! Okay, the official theme was: Light Up The World. But still, with all those Carlsberg, Heineken, Storm and Bintang (and along numerous other import/local beer that I just only knew at the event, including the fabled Kuda Putih), it’s difficult to remember the original theme was not about beer festival. Anyway, it was anything but boring ;)

Kuta Karnival (along with Sanur Festival on November and Denpasar Heritage Festival on December) is definitely my favorite Bali event. This laid-back style carnival/festival allows yours truly to wander along all day long on the beach, relieving my thirst and hunger from various drink and food stall (not many food stall this year though, shame), run and play with the cold water/wave when I felt bored (or slightly intoxicated), and just sit dumbfounded watching the majestic sunset. Best parts: nobody cares what you did during the event as there are so many people loitering around anyway. Oh yeah, I got to dress whatever I want (I choose “polite” clothes this time, as I’m in the “age self-conscious” period) and get to see some really nice guys. Mmmm…. This is what girls should do in their free time… Having fun, that is. What else? What are you thinking about??

Some friends of mine, a delightful couple from South Africa, came on the last day. We talk and laugh and basically just chatting away (a bit nonsense-ly I presume) and the next thing I know we’ve been hanging around there since 2 – 8 pm. Wowie! When I visit the event on the first day, they have an opening parade, and it was pure beauty. Especially as it is set against the setting sun, it was both breathtaking and most memorable. On the last day, however, my friends and I get to see the closing band parade. Some are good (especially the metal ones, and my friend manage to get a picture with the lead singer), some are so so, but one strikes gold: A children band (local Bali children, yeaaah!!) who just know how to swagger, how to pluck the guitar, and how to leave me and my friends dancing and clapping feverishly for them. Yup, they’re THAT good!!

I was more than a bit upset when it ended, I felt like Cinderella at 11.55 pm (or something similar). But no worries, I still have Sanur Festival to look forward to in another 2 weeks or so, and Denpasar Festival in less than 2 months, and of course, Kuta Karnival next year :). Love Love Love Bali!!!

View the Parade Video here, And more photos here.


  1. Kuta Karnival ini setiap tanggal berapa sih Day?
    gw mau ikutaaaan tahun dpn. kasih info donk pliss jauh2 hari supaya gw bisa dapet tiket pswt murah ke Bali. hehehee

  2. huhuhuhu.... tanggalnya ga pernah jelas, biasanya gw baru tahu paling cepet sebulan sebelumnya T.T
