Sunday, November 7, 2010

Let's Pray!

Let's put our petty differences aside and unite in Prayer, shall we? Just a few seconds, let us unite in thought and kind wishes for our fellow Human. For me, it's for Merapi victims, and also Mentawai, and Wasior, and other unfortunate souls that suffer from the nature's wrath or other human's foolishness (and evil deeds/thoughts). Feel free to choose yours :)

Mari mengesampingkan perbedaan-perbedaan ga penting kita dan berdoa bareng yuk. Hanya untuk beberapa detik, mari bersatu dalam pikiran dan pengharapan baik bagi sesama Manusia. Bagi saya, ini untuk korban Merapi, dan Mentawai dan Wasior, dan juga orang malang lainnya yang menderita karena kemurkaan alam atau kebodohan sesama Manusia (dan perbuatan/pikiran jahatnya). Silakan memilih anda mau berdoa untuk apa :)

Why pray? Because:
1. It's Free.
Even air won't be free for long (judging from the current pollution rate).
2. It doesn't take time or effort.
You just need to have faith and sincerity. No strenuous strain needed, and a minute is long enough if you're doing it right.
3. It's the best investment ever.
You pray = you care. You care = God'll care you as well. God care for you is better than any health insurance or Medicare or Wall Street Investing. You'll get health, happiness and wealth all in the same package with low premium: a simple sincere prayer.

Don't care what you believe or what you called God: Allah, Hyang Widhi, The Mighty one, whatever, as long as you're praying sincerely, it definitely counts, both for the ones you're praying for and also for yourself. So let's pray :)

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