Wednesday, March 24, 2010

How happy are you? - From Yahoo Shine

Give yourself one point for each of the things below that you have done within a month (it doesn't have to be exact), and please write it in as a comment.

If you score low, no worries! Keep the list and share it with your friends to remind you of the little things can make you feel really good :)

• coloring (yes, grown-ups can do it, too)
• crisp cotton sheets
• soft skin
• old family recipes
• the first daffodils of spring
• sleeping in
• an exercise endorphin high
• window boxes
• a perfect cup of coffee
• a genuine compliment (giving or receiving)
• the way babies smell
• a handwritten letter
• waking up in a good mood...for no real reason
• singing in the shower
• finding a couple forgotten dollars in your pocket
• doing something nice for your neighbor
• a home cooked meal
• laughing
• movie theater popcorn
• playing hookey
• a bubble bath
• swimming
• an afternoon nap
• street musicians
• your favorite song
• saying thank you
• helping someone in need
• old fashioned photo booths
• fresh whipped cream
• inspiring blogs
• a glass of wine
• rainy afternoons
• the funny things kids say
• a novel you can get lost in
• finding the perfect piece of clothing...on sale
• clean laundry
• the wind in your hair
• treating the person behind you at the drive-thru
• sharing an umbrella
• the smell of lavender
• a long walk that clears your head
• a bear hug
• The Beatles
• smiling at a stranger
• eating with chopsticks (Chinese food optional)
• butterflies
• staying in your pj's all day
• singing along to the radio and knowing all the words
• fresh herbs
• ordering in pizza
• happy endings...even if they're fictional
• flying a kite
• puppies
• root beer floats
• holding open the door...
• ...or having someone hold the door for you
• fountain soda
• white, fluffy towels
• sunshine
• spending an afternoon at a museum
• really great advice
• green lights all the way home
• the sound of rain hitting the windows
• sitting in a booth
• holding hands
• a great hair day with no effort
• building a fort with your kids
• when someone falls asleep with their head on your shoulder
• fireflies
• the perfect taco
• geraniums on a windowsill
• slow dancing
• the smell of fresh-baked bread
• cheesy, uplifting musicals
• great stories
• the smell of gasoline
• the cold side of the pillow
• love letters
• old friends...
• friends
• a pull-through parking space
• a baguette -- crisp on the outside, airy on the inside
• when a dog licks your hand
• sitting at the counter at an old-fashioned diner
• using your favorite dishes
• reading your child a bedtime story
• Girl Scout Cookies
• flossing
• kissing someone you love
• the smell of onions and garlic cooking
• hot chocolate
• jumping in puddles
• old photographs
• birds hopping on the sidewalk
• Ella Fitzgerald
• a spoonful of peanut butter straight from the jar
• your softest t-shirt
• a new magazine in the mail
• fireplaces
• having exact change
• bacon and pancakes cooking on Saturday morning

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